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File: 1678068496633.jpg (28.33 KB, 553x554, 1587241845651.jpg)


>Options field is a dropdown menu with a single option
Do the devs know there's checkboxes for that?


They just were in a haste to remove sage because it reminds them of cuckchan too much


y'ever notice only people who come from 4ch*n say shit like "cuckchan"


File: 1678152524106.jpg (30.33 KB, 680x671, psyop.jpg)

sage predates 4chan by half a decade and it didn't even start on imageboards.


>Do the devs know there's checkboxes for that?
Checkbox was proposed in thread >>21865


Nah it's just they thought it being an email field made people not use it much, and noobs didn't know what saying was so they wanted something plain language. Should be a checkmark with the word sage, with hoverable alt-text explaining what saging is.


>with the word sage
but why


It's shorter.


but space isn't an issue


There should be a [] sage checkbox before [] Spoiler image and get rid of the options row.

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