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I've been banned twice now for no discernible reason. all it tells me is that I was banned the exact moment I tried to post something and that I cannot post for another week, I could understand if I did something against the rules but I haven't even been told why that is so I don't know what to correct or stop doing.


Do you use a VPN? I don't think the jannies understand VPNs. I tried to post from some VPNs only to see a ban message. Then I "appeal" saying it's a VPN node, but the ban isn't changed or lifted.

Here, one person can really ruin it for the rest of us.


Yeah I see Iron Felix ban messages on my VPN all the time. Good thing it has hundreds of IPs. Never takes me more than a few seconds of clicking to find an unbanned one. Jannies clicking ban thinking they're actually stopping anyone from posting.


no, I haven't been using one


Absolutely hilarious that they do this for free


What does the ban message say?


I went back to check, but it seems the ban was lifted even though it said I would have to wait till the 28th.


All the world's a stage and we on it merely actors

Unique IPs: 5

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