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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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When did the mods on this site become the same stick-in-the-butt-leftism-is-a-secret-treehouse types as the reddit mods?

Like, wasn't one of the key moments in leftypol history the Catgirl meme war, where we established that pictures aren't inherently reactionary?

Weren't the original principles of this forum of ours that unlike every other "leftist" space on the internet, we don't take the bad faith "everyone is a reactionary unless they prove they aren't" path to community building. Don't we believe that "open discourse and shitposting is a superior pedagogy to strictly moderating and banning potential comrades for not towing an increasingly strict line of things that will lead to instant bans?

I've been in the meta room on Matrix, and it essentially functions exactly how you'd expect it to: Mods and their sycophants acting like they are above everything and not wanting to dissent, because the logic of these spaces is always:

>If you disagree that we should ban someone for X, then that must mean you support/defend X.

And no one wants to be that person who criticises the process for fear of being labelled a reactionary themselves.

Clearly something has gone wrong in the process. I propose a "Poster's Union Thread" where only non-mods and janitors may post. Would the moderators agree to that?


Outside clear cut spam, very little is removed
It's under 5% (and under 1% of the total, if you want a more precise number you can take a look)


nah, I'm a long term poster here, since the days of BO and the Rojava stink at least.

I've seen this myself and have actually been banned a few times for no good reason. How do I know this? Because I appealed my ban in the matrix and the mods were like "oh yeah sorry you got caught up in something". So what about the new or potential comrades that aren't going to bother going to matrix or don't have the right way of speaking?


Notice how your discussion completely shifted from the line or the law or some other high-minded concept to execution. I won't have it.
Then tell people to send less spammers.


for what is worth, most socialist groups, either online or offline, are even more cultish. of course you could also do some self-critique and see that for socialism as a movement, there is no reason why you should be allowed to behave like an amoral deg3nerate

but of course this is a rules for thy, not for me situation. you can post the most stupid, anti-marxist takes on economy, social movements, the third world, class or basically any relevant subject and the mods will let it slide. there is only one (largely irrelevant) subject where they do keep a hard line, you probably know what I'm talking about

in fact, most people know this and choose to ignore that particular subject, I guess there is also some people that share and repeat the official hard line too. this situation is obviously not going to change in the foreseeable future. worst case scenario, you can use this site exclusively for serious topics and theory, and use other sites for memes and entertainment


There is many subjects in the world so why should I pretend to know what you mean? I can guess at it because you people tend to be incredibly obsessed with one thing. I'd just say don't touch the third rail or go out in real life and touch a real third rail.


>oh jeez I don't know what you are talking about
>actually I know perfectly well, deal with it lol
why be dishonest?
and it is (you) that bans people for it, not me. I care about it much less than you do
thanks for the tip but sorry, I don't take life advice from your kind


>I care about it much less than you do
Reality can not be cheated. If you don't care, why do you whine? What is important is to ask the right questions.


>Clearly something has gone wrong in the process. I propose a "Poster's Union Thread" where only non-mods and janitors may post. Would the moderators agree to that?

Sage, you're back? But seriously, I don't have an issue with it I guess, not sure what it would achieve though. As for concerns with the direction of moderation in general, I do have some concerns which I will try to follow up on. I'm sorry if you feel like you have been treated unfairly.


>Reality can not be cheated.

>why do you whine?

first of all, because I don't like walking on eggshells over stupid shit. second, because I'm bored. and third I'm just describing the situation. the important question is why does a factual description of something you agree with, seems to put you on the defensive


I am never on the defensive


sorry, I overreacted


>Poster's Union
Voicing my support


lmao we will achieve gommunism when some random imageboard stops moderating


nah mods violatin when they took down NATE HOFFESTEDERs address btw an woodbridge,VA anons out here?


>only non-mods and janitors may post
This idea relies completely on good faith on part of the staff.
I'm pretty confident you can picture what I'm saying here.


Why was this thread bumplocked?


dude you're obsessed
I 100% agree with you but do you not see that a website is a privately owned thing, and after multiple iterations, multiple changes of leadership/ownership and splits, there's no such thing as one single leftypol? This leftypol is how it is

it should be obvious right? some people are just less equal than others. Woe if the mods identify you based on posting style and have a grudge. But of course, moderation here is very light, the mods loathe to curate :^)


>some people are just less equal than others.
Thanks George, now go back to getting raped in hell
Do you believe yourself equal to me? That's ludicrous.

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