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File: 1680217411186.png (165.16 KB, 954x714, mods_lol.png)


>overmoderate because the rules are so subjective that something just has to bad for discourse to be removed, and even then 'mods are always right'
>smugly bitch at a user saying you don't curate and they should go to reddit
Why are you smug redditoid glowholes like this? To any mods who aren't like this, why do you support this? Stockholm syndrome?

BTW where did the thread on NPA's attack on AFP go to? This site is radioactive


I don't think Jenny is a janny. Never seen her use the mod badge.


There is more than one Jenny poster, comrade.
I am the jennyfag they screencapped I'm not the OG Jenny poster from the cybersoc thread, I'm not a mod, and the post was made before some retard mod banned the other post.


Gee, I dunno


When I was talking about the moderator’s hypocrisy about their response to idpol two weeks ago, I was not accusing the topic of trans people as being idpol. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of a moderator preserving posts containing ethnic stereotypes while banning others for idpol during a mass post deletion. Ethnic stereotyping is idpol, but they ignored those posts and I got banned because they thought I was referring to trans topics as idpol.

Idpol is a subjective word and it should be defined before it is enforced as a rule.


If you think a post should be removed then report it, we can't see everything.


that's a terrible ban…

Which mod made that ban?


It was wvobbly according to the mod logs. What a suprise.


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