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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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I am resigning as a developer, sysop and moderator of Leftypol.

I'll keep the OP short, blog post inside. There are a few reasons, the main one is I am completely demotivated to prolong the decline of this site. There is a major contradiction between much of the mod team and /leftypol/. My time is better spent elsewhere.

I have no interest in returning until these contradictions are resolved. Resolving them would require harsh and uncomfortable decisions by people unlikely to make them, so I have no confidence it will happen.

Sorry to all the users who had no real power to prevent this. It's not your fault.1
342 posts and 67 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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every response pask posts in this mod sanctioned pask free zone, is another deeper indictment of this shithole board and it’s retard moderators


Now don't get distracted, you want to attack me, not other mods
Getting distracted is a sign of weakness


You are all delusional


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Are you both mods?


Everyone that ever posted on this board is a mod or a wannabe mod


This whole thread is proof that we need a purge


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We are always already purging and so on




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A purge of the mods. Based.

A purge of the posters? Cringe.


Also, just to reiterate, moderating leftypol should not be even remotely difficult. You just need to ban 3 things:
>Illegal content
>Actual spam
>Obvious /pol/ invasions

Everything else can be left alone and, if it lowers board quality, have some bare minimum faith in the users that they can deal with it themselves.


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>actually doing X is easy
>gets into position of doing X
>oh no, doing X is actually much more complex than i thought




I've moderated large communities before, including a subreddit of 50,000+ subscribers. It's time-consuming, but not difficult, no.
You're mentally ill and you belong in an asylum.


you will never be a doctor


m8 obviously I'd just break out


No obviously not
This is my mental institution. You're locked in here with me, I'm not locked in here with you.



So does that mean you were being serious or not?


I have decided that you were being for real and it just makes it so much more funny,


>say they will support a policy just to hear people complain
I'm curious about this one. I've always been honest, maybe held back a little too much.
Also would you say you slipped into a cultish devotion to incorrectness rejecting correctness? Just the vibes I am getting from these first three posts. Just asking questions here.
>openly hostile to feedback
I maintain this is me holding back. I can either take you seriously or not. But being dishonest is just not me.
>If that time had been spent making leftychan a site with better content and better community, it could have been thriving by now
Or if there wasn't all these ridiculous issues (mentally and structurally) it would be good.
Do you believe in non-determinism?
I don't know if I need to explain it in detail. You start with pretty much correctly laying out the make-up of the site (which continues after but in the middle there is this weird statement). So in what world could it ever have had a good community?
>leftypol.org's shadow
In the psychoanalytic sense?
This post, I suppose, makes sense if you are paranoid but in the wrong direction.
>someone[s?] apparently told pasquale to stop constantly being an outright troll on /meta/
Sorry, that didn't work out.
>The fact that both you and woobly say you didnt know disco had any gripes is exactly the problem.
I've made the comment that I think disco is a woman to several people at this point. Make of that what you will (unlike me, most people are also not that great at the whole Mentalist [remember that show] act)
I could go on but I'm bored now and it would just be rude and impolite.


So what I am getting from this is 'stop holding back'
Aight then


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>If we take the current average daily post rate from 2023-01-01 to 2023-04-07 (1106 PPD)
1091 now




Q: Why are my questions not being addressed?
A: Everyone's a critic.


If you think he is pathetic then how come you have to spend hours every single day stating such?


Let me ask in seriousness why you have no answers OP. I have answers to everything, you might not like them but I have them. So where's the problem? Standing by something isn't a problem. At a certain point you will get into a situation where you think "might as well". Or maybe not, maybe it never happens for some people.


of course the mods would sooner die than give an inch


I really don't see how there is anything but nonsense contained here. In the best case it's a confused outcry of "things could be better"
Gee whiz
but hey as long as it makes sense to you
>Where there is smoke there is fire


Why is this thread so stylish?


thread looks way better with gurochan theme though




Yeah, obviously too late for me to change it now. I also didn't realize this theme has black spoilers on black bg… vichan is just a poorly-designed mess all the way down.

There's nothing confused about it.
Clear, concrete, substantiated problems have been repeatedly listed and noticed by a variety of users and even demonstrated ITT.
Likely causes have been diagnosed.
Solutions have been put forward.
Nothing has changed.

Even extremely basic communication problems with easy and safe solutions, like avoiding bad ban reasons, are lost on half the staff. The bottom line is, it is now crystal clear that the core staff just don't give a fuck.


I think pask has largely fucked off from moderating so it's not all bad news.


Disco, take a lesson from history and get that you are lunacharsky encarnate, a person who made this place special but was too afraid to speak out when it mattered. It isn’t all your fault, but some of the blame is in your hands. This is why differences of opinion need to be expressed but collective action should be taken in regards to running this website, it would have streamlined a lot of moderation decisions and would have made drama less common. It would have led to the
Leftypol of 2020 to be back. Oh well, your sexy ass tried and did a good job for years.


/leftypol/ sucked in 2020, what?
Fuck, /leftypol/ hasn't been good since 2017, let alone actually worth browsing.




Strongest snivelling ultra


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Oh man if this is rough on you I hope we never have the Uganda scenario where Uganda becomes the center of world geopolitics for some unfathomable reason and Ugandans start posting en masse


Thread developed into full schizo posting


How on earth is ribbing someone with a hypothetical nightmare scenario for them schizo posting son?


Never forget they started crying for a strongman
That's all it takes, just a little push



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>While /leftypol/ was always dominated by a broad range of socialist and anarchist tendencies, it was also frequented by the larger 8chan userbase. It was common to see succdems, lolberts, burgerbrains, brownpants, blacksharts and everyone in-between and around. There were even notsocs who declared their home to be /leftypol/ because we could actually hold an intelligent conversation, unlike their comrades on /pol/.
Yeah lets ban literally everyone except /pol/ shills deliberately sabotaging our site. Good riddance fucking retard.


After some violent thoughts about this guy its safe to say /leftypol/ will be much better without you.

Unique IPs: 15

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