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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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Hello everyone, we have decided to take some measures to try to make /meta/ more productive - first of all, all posts by mods wil now be identified by mod tag (preferably) or by putting mod in the name field if needed. This will also apply on all other site management threads. Individual mod names will be optional. We hear the criticisms that have been levelled on this issue and we apologise that it has taken some time to take this action.

In addition we would like /meta/ to be a more productive space in general, so please try to post suggestions for improvement rather than blanket criticisms. We may move ban appeals into a dedicated thread in order to reduce the amount of new topic clutter. I hope that we will be able to introduce more reforms soon but this is an important first step. In addition, recruitment of new moderators to give some new blood is continuing apace currently. Please bear with us for more improvements!


capcodes should only be able to be used on /meta/, no more mod attention whoring outside of this board tbh

>Individual mod names will be optional.

this is fine but it should only be used when necessary, though users should also realize that not everyone in the staff has the same opinion


That's cool but how do you plan on reigning pask in? He's the main problem mod on /meta/, we all know this.


Pask has agreed to stop posting on /meta/.


I'd say a decent policy is to use capcodes only when relevant. If a mod is explaining why a post or thread was moderated, or are giving a warning for a first rule violation, they should signal their post is written by a staff member. When making any other posts, their role is irrelevant and they should not be capcoded.
It's not attention whoring if its making people aware that a warning or explanation is from a privileged user that's a technical term and clarifies that it is* declaring a rule violation rather than just voicing personal disagreement.

I realize it's typical for the staff to wait to make statements once a discussion reaches some consensus, and that the issues raised will take time to digest, in the meantime I wish to say I'm hoping that there is discussion happening beyond just muting the fire alarm. Their /meta/ antagonization was merely doubling down on their abuse in /leftypol/


I intend to revisit the ban list proposal next and work on putting this into force, do you happen to have the old one I put forward as I lost it on this PC?


I don't have it downloaded. You may have posted it in the dev channel so it may be worth searching your own name in there to try and bring it up.
If it isn't there, I'd use the rules page and mod log as a basis.


Hahahaha that must've been a fun conversation for you.


Well don't say I never do anything for you guys.

It's not a huge deal I guess, unfortunately I had to get a new account a few months ago so I don't have the old logs. Oh well, I'm just being lazy I can rewrite it. Any other suggestions for what reforms/changes you think would help?


using a capcode outside of /meta/ is tacitly saying it's fine to metapost outside of this board

if a user wants a mod to reply to them that badly they should come here


wtf caballo was based all this time?

>all posts by mods wil now be identified by mod tag (preferably) or by putting mod in the name field if needed.

can you apply this retroactively? just for laughs
nah but seriously good shit, I know my post isn't too constructive but whatever



why are mods such attention whores


Mods nuking by IP is definitely a problem again. I unironically advise the feature be removed for non-admins. It's only meant to be used for actual, bot spam.
I made this post, so I remember what it was replying to. Neither of them broke any rules, and the second was actually productive to the thread. They were both deleted due to some over-reaching mod nuking their whole IP because they're not showing up by post number in the log.
But yeah now the thread is swiss cheese because someone threw a fit in a different thread, and someone who made legitimate contributions got unpersoned.


>>26469 [moi]
haha whoops wrong link, that's on me: >>>/leftypol/1434138



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>Caballo makes another announcement post about "We're sorry"
which is nice and appreciated, at least someone still has the care to communicate anything, but let's get down to the bone: those reforms.
>all [/meta/ & meta] posts by mods wil now be identified by mod tag (preferably) or by putting mod in the name field if needed
>Pask has agreed to stop posting on /meta/.
Both of which have been repeatedly broken within just a few days.

Both. Irrefutably and without care.

The most critical problem isn't the initiatives, or the rules, or the constitution, because those mean nothing. The last two weeks have demonstrated beyond whatever doubt was still there, that the policies and the reasons for the policies are being smugly ignored.

Trying to reform their behavior through policy still didn't work. The problem-hiding damage control of telling them to just at least please shut the fuck up didn't even work. And that's the bare minimum, it takes 0 effort.

The bandaid needs ripping or it's just going to keep hurting.


What would you suggest I do?


Two options:
1. Take this to krates with other sympathetic mods
2. Resign in protest like disco has done

You have tried everything else and it hasn't worked. As far as I can see these are the only paths forward left.


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'cage match'
I am not Him but
I have very specific instructions


Speaking of slanderers and other pond scum
I just saw something very interesting
The spam IP I just deleted had a prior for 'illegal content' (I am not making this up, I almost couldn't believe it frankly)
Of course I am not suggesting anything


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>had a prior
now you're LARPing as cops. you're all just libs with a red aesthetic.


Language is funny. Depending on who you want to trigger at any given moment you can just change it.


that's fucking gross, you filthy postmodernist.


I've been banned multiple times for "illegal content" and /pol/ spam but I literally am just shit posting and arguing with Grace from my phone. Probably something to do with dynamic ips. Every single time I appealed and got denied, so I had to wait 'til I'm home to make a /meta/ post.
Not really sure what to make of it, there could be a wrecker in the mod team or there could be a glowie abusing certain ip ranges constantly.
Or, dun dun dun, it could be both :o


Not a lot into wrecking personally but paranoia is hilarious to me


>muh pomo
ok anglo




>using words you don't understand

Unique IPs: 7

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