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Filter please. Seems to be the same person too spamming it


Tulcel > Trotskyite


Lol I saw this thread after I clicked reply I shit you not.

Mods will never ban Tulcel anon. He's kosher.


Greetings Comrades we are currently getting the filter up we wanted to vote and its going to be Trotskyite, with a 5 to 2 vote. The second choice was Communist, but Trotskyite fits this filter well. Enjoy.


un_dolphin would you agree with me that Tulsi Gabbard desperately needs an intense course of BBC therapy?


I cannot agree with that only because that wouldn't really be a punishment for a woman like this. She needs to go into a re-education camp about how to be a good comrade instead of being a shill for American Imperialism. Break the Facade she has and you see the true side of this woman.


File: 1681258231650.jpg (482.85 KB, 1317x2522, 0hnxh6stz01a1.jpg)

>that wouldn't really be a punishment for a woman like this.
What makes you think that former United States Representative for Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard, is a BBC-craving snowbunny?


I'd say you are just giving the tulcel spammer what he wants but hey


File: 1681302704351.png (7.7 KB, 622x70, lol lmao.png)

lol lmao


>Filter is still not active
Hurry up jannies pls




It is a dead tie between Trotskyite and Communist.


Maybe legislating y'all's political retardation into wordfilters isn't the best idea


Make it something funny please


It takes one very autistic to ruin any small imageboard, yes.


Trotskyite is funnier


holy shit




>nooooo if you filter the forced meme spam you’re actually losing by not having to see it anymore!


Yea I voted for Trotskyite


Why word filter it when we can just ban the one anon for spam (and we do know that it is one anon)


>>26432 (me)
also word filtering wont do shit because the new replacement word will just become annoying. The problem isn't the word (tucel is a meaningless word to begin with) the problem is that its forced meme spam, and a filter wont fix that


>reads the mod log
>what could go wrong with banning the Tor node, again


pls get rid of that tulcel spambot idiot, he's annoying


File: 1681478017252.png (10.03 KB, 659x89, cope.png)

>pls get rid of that tulcel spambot idiot, he's annoying


thanks for proving my point, schizo


Still no filter. What is taking so long?


Honestly I thought everyone just realized you could drop "Tulcel" into your personal filter, but I guess people are a little dumb now-a-days. When I was a user, I had a filter list that filtered every nazi flag, most of their /pol/ babyspeak, and the like. didn't even realize thingnoticer was that much of a thing until I was a mod lmao.


File: 1681531992752.jpg (24.1 KB, 828x706, lol.jpg)

>userbase is too dumb for their own good


theyre clearly asking you to filter it to something funny


how do you do a personal filter? all I see is that you can hide posts and replies, or hide by name. How do filter by flag and words?


what ever happened to the /leftycel/s anyways


Well, new blood is never a problem except for getting them up-to-standard.
I mean we've implemented one, its just easy to evade such filters when its a mod-end thing. Easier to just filter them on the user-end.
Options > Filters > Choose "comment" field > Put Tulcel/Tulsicel/whatever variant he is using at the time. You can also make more advanced filters like flag filters through the user js, but I forget how to offhand.


>I mean we've implemented one,
You still haven't. I tested it


File: 1682085679245.png (16.75 KB, 373x248, TWO MORE YEARS.png)



Vols vote in favour of this proposal plix


Guarantee you this is their new unfunny bit to cope with the fact that they associate anti-imperialism with fringe lolcow streamers rather than Lenin and Nkrumah because they have sunk so much time into their online obsessions instead of reading


I think Bosnian tulcel spammer is just a schizo like that guy who posts "sex" in every thread on sibera. There is no rhyme or reason to him calling anything tulcel. He just responds that to everything.


*I guess to be fair to "sex" poster he probably usually does it in sex related threads, of which there are too many, but I swear he does it at random sometimes.


the mods all spam SEX in the matrix i think that's just a meme idk


I don't think it's actually an issue


>mods are children
we know


I was thinking up many funny jokes in response but let me keep it brief
"Childishness lies in the gaze that perceives childishness all around itself"


Nietzsche isn't wrong here
Every accusation by a reactionary is a confession. Adorno wrote of the authoritarian personality and had some test. There are way easier tests to use tho.


The mirror test


Do it not because it needs to be done but because it is funny → >>26570


I want her to choke me until I pass out.


Do you need help, because we can get you a dominatrix if you really need to get off.


That would be a frivolous use of funds tho
come on


We can arrange that, anon

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