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File: 1681187958800.png (174.22 KB, 300x252, ClipboardImage.png)


So are you making any attempts to ban "tulcel" spammer or are you just letting them be? Is Tulcel spammer, a thing noticer equivalent, or are you just letting them spam for shits and giggles?


I haven't even seen the person you're talking about. Tingnoter isn't as stealthy.




File: 1681216493174.png (103.1 KB, 788x271, ClipboardImage.png)


This image is obviously fake. Any idiot can use inspect element.


Hello Comrades, the Tulcel Spammer is going to be filtered and turned into what they really are a Trotsykite.

Due to a vote of 5 to 2 any mention of the word "tulcel" will be changed to Trotskyite, if the spammer continues after that then we do Thing Noticer on sight.

Unique IPs: 6

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