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Word Filter Proposals: Marketing Terms Edition

(Post(ing/ed) (on/to) Social Media > Post(ing/ed)) Online
((Browse/Scroll)(ing/ed) (on/to) Social Media > Surf(ing/ed)) The Web
Influencer(s) > Sales(person/people)
Tweet(ing/ed) > Post(ing/ed)
Re(tweet/blog)(ing/ed) > Boost(ing/ed)
Content > Post
Content Creator > Poster
YouTuber/TikToker > Videographer
The Algorithm > Search Engine Optimization

Any more suggestions?




ratioed > saged
(a/the) cloud > West Virginia
Silicon Valley > Murray Hill


this is just political correctness literally rendered in computer code. Wordfilters are supposed to be funny and own tourists


>Not wanting corpspeak to become the default is le politically correct
>literally rendered in computer code (parentheses usage)
tbh I mostly agree we should try to reserve word filters for funnies, but I see these marketing terms thrown around a lot on here and it really does degrade people's ability to think about these things outside the framework these marketing terms were made for. If you have some funny alternative suggestions I'm all for it, >>26748 has the spirit.
Also I wanted an excuse to wonderbreadpost


>Re(tweet/blog)(ing/ed) > Boost(ing/ed)
you didnt think of reposting?


>>literally rendered in computer code (parentheses usage)
that isnt regex


Nah I'm not that good at regex yet. I can search stuff with it but I dunno how I'd make these as regex.
Oh yeah good point.


OP's proposals and understanding of wordfilters are doubleplus ungood.

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