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I think that the devs should implement filtering a user by flags on the board. Is that possible?


Ban flags and make them post specific


Disagree. Certain flags make it very easy to identify cancerous shitposters. I'll rather filter them with a single click instead of manually post-by-post.


shouldf be possible. im not a dev but it should be trivial


Make a uBlock filter. I don't remember how but I did it once when a particular Eurasianism flag was treating every other thread like it /Ukraine/ (back when the jannies were having a hard time keeping reactionaries off of it, they still do but it was way worse at the time.)


They could do a filter by IP but then people would shadowban each other over the odd shitpost and the site would become even more of a ghost town.


learn to interpret and use flags properly kid
They're generally used to signal roles or personas

No one person owns any flag anybody can use them

They're basically an emoji 😊👍


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Comrade, I implemented that in October 2021.
And another comrade wrote their own in March 2021 >>>/tech/7374

Unique IPs: 8

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