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>banned from all boards
>for being a Nazi
holy shit if it's either pasquale or wvobbly who banned me, this will be the 6th time I've been banned for nonsense by those two.
What is the rationale? What's the point of posting here if you can get banned for so little reason?
What did I do that qualifies me as a nazi? Please, can caballo or someone else explain this to me? Pasq and Wvobly is just gonna say some vague ass shit like "ban evading" or "spam" and be done with it.

Not a vol but maybe post under the gay Nazi flag for more leeway?
It worked for shay

What’s the banned post or IP

File: 1685009138295.png (818.39 KB, 477x695, latest.png)

Well I'm unbanned now
It was for 6 days, thanks

Unique IPs: 4

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