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Filter "lumpen" to "-oomer" pls

better yet, lumpen to entrepreneur and vice versa

Filter lumpen to punk.


I like this


No, stop with the fucking wordfilters holy shit. Why do you guys enjoy making discussion impossible

filter wordfilter to basedfilter pls




Filter worldfilter to code of conduct, in minecraft to on gopher day, junko to sonic, paradox to lotus notes, bethesda to madden football, incel to socially awesome awkward penguin, reddit to google docs, marxism to sexo, tankie to centrist, liberal to jetski driver, theory to liver, pedophile to subject to castration, incest to seal sighting, monarchism to land nobility, technocracy to anarcho-monarchism, anarcho to gay, china to king kong island and usa/america to Nevada: The Icon of Sin.
I guarantee a 23% increase in board culture by the next quarter.

Ok I'm the one who was complaining about wordfilters, but I'm willing to concede if we implement all of these. It's a reasonable compromise.

half of these arent terms the userbase overuses to death

See, this is the cancerous mentality that creates wordfilters and ruins discussion.

From your perspective, terms are "overused". From my perspective, I only come to leftypol occasionally, so I'm in a thread talking with an anon about Engels' views on the lumpenproletariat and suddenly my post is ruined because it inexplicably looks like I'm talking about "coomers" because you were autistic and got annoyed by the "overuse" of the word.

Do you see why this is bad for anyone who actually wants to have intelligible conversations?

sounds hilarious actually

It's only hilarious if you never actually try to have actual conversations here.

If we restrict wordfilters to /siberia/, I have no issue because it's the dedicated shitposting board. But, please leave relatively serious boards like /leftypol/ or honestly any of the hobby boards out of it, because people there are actually trying to talk to each other.

>relatively serious boards like /leftypol/
You see, this is the problem. Taking /leftypol/ seriously. That's your fault. Yes, fault.

filter "tankie" to "anarkiddie" and vice versa

filer every word to the next word listed in the dictionary

Do it

>See, this is the cancerous mentality that creates wordfilters and ruins discussion.
>I am a 25 year old man from Liverpool that molests puppies BTW:

>in minecraft
>in real life (this is a legally actionable threat I intend to carry out in exactly 72 hours)

Modify vichan so it stores and displays every post as a uuencode of the text and files.
I like the disproportionately long replace text. Filter fuck to goddamnshitpiecesofmotherawfuljeezasschristholysuck.



Nah, instead we'll just display the sha256sum of any text.

filter "westerner" to "goblin"

bumping the wordfilter suggestion thread. bonus ones:
mrbeast -> nrvnqsr
ai -> machine leanring
soy -> shoyu
goon -> The GNU Operating System

if wordfilters are for overused buzzwords then pedo should be on the list. im not witty enough to figure out what it should be filtered to, tho

Schizo and schizophrenic to "contradictory"

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>pedo should be on the list. im not witty enough to figure out what it should be filtered to, tho
How about "conservative Christian"?

This is actually very good.

Consectutive duplicate emojis face emojis–only faces to preserve the option of emoji in ascii art–should merge after three.
i.e; 🤣🤣🤣… > 🤣

but only after three so King Lear can keep his typing quirk.

Remove the chvd=> chinlet wordfilter. Its completely meaningless, as they are both insults, try-hard, not witty at all, and generally kind of embarrassing.

chinlet hands wrote this

We already have such a filter don't we? Also lumpen is a real word in marxist analysis, so you're going to fuck up discussions like that.

filter the west/western/westerner to hvperborea/hvperborean

word filter idea:
>filter anarkiddie to "principled marxist leninist"
>filter tankie to "ungovernable anarchist"

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