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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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I agree that we should ban meat.

bait thread to make feminists seem unhinged

Nah for once she's right.

I produced my own porn years ago by taking a picture of my anus with my 3ds, should I be sent to the gulag?
How about the super gulag since it was child porn?

Gulags are for people who can be rehabilitated and eventually re-released into broader society.
People who produce child pornography don't have any rights other than the right to be violently and suddenly murdered by The People's Police™ without even the pretense of a trial.

Rationalizing prostitution is cringe

so true sweaty

>degens }⁠:⁠‑⁠)
>omg why ban? O⁠_⁠o

Does anyone have the picture on the left? Those are some fine looking breasts.

FYI you're legally allowed to use this word if you put "worker state" just after

Trotchads keep winning

you couldn't even crop the imperialist apologia b4 it turns from obligatory tragedy cope to obligatory "the superior ubermensch hero got away from the useless shiddy aim goons thoe!!1" cope?

they meant well, go in peace

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>admins when you apply IDpol to porn

the british spooks are the ultimate bad guys in the movie, it's pretty good

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