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I understand that mods like encouraging theoretical debates, and I understand that the war is slow and that "happenings" don't happening often, but over the past few threads Zigger vs both siders bickering seem to be reaching about 85 to 90% of the /ukraine/ thread content.
See following threads for examples:
It seems pretty ridiculous considering most of this "content" is just rephrasing of the same few talking points that have been talked to death over the course of a year. Maybe early on exposure to these talking points may sway people to ziggerism or both-sidism, but after a year no one is going to be changing sides anymore and this debate is largely redundant imo.

Obviously I don't want to ban debate about multi-polarity vs socialism, but having to shift through 80 paragraphs just to find information about developing events about the war is annoying to say the least. I propose a separate thread to this debate so that the /Ukraine/ thread can be more orientated to the actual war and a seperate containment thread for those who want to waste there time writing 30000 word essays that will not change anyone's opinion

<but anon that will make the actual /ukraine/ thread really slow

imo thats desirable, less shifting through essays so you can find what you want

pic unrelated

Come at me ultras
I have been hardcore theory lifting since before you were squirted out of your mother's cunt

The Ukraine thread IS the containment thread, you fucking retard.
If it is especially egregious, report it. Other than that, bite the bullet and rejoice in the muck you've been playing in for over a year.

Happy pride to OP. I think he should make a new ukraine thread and name it 4 srz bisnes only plz and see how it develops and leave containment thread as be


>The Ukraine thread IS the containment thread
ok sure whatever, but I think that most of the content should still be related to what the thread is actually dedicated to

We're hitting that stage when containment threads need containment threads.

Having layers of containment may increase effectiveness tho.

containment threads/boards are just band-aid solutions/excuses for what is simply a lack of proper moderation

>entering /ukraine/, 2028 colorized

This is the point where we need separate boards

we dont need a separate board for ziggers as much as like they claim to "own" the narrative on the website, whatever that means

due to the non-sectarian nature of the board, there is a level of "both-sideism" to be expected

containment is actually not effective whatsoever. any time there is a question of containment the question inevitably shifts towards "removal". the ukraine thread is not at that state (yet) but we do try to trim away the excesses of retarded sectarianism. thankfully its mostly just a few anons of either side appointing themselves as the golden arbiters of everything which is righteous and good in the world (mostly on the ukraine side), and a handful of trolls / insane people who just go on those threads to post insanity (more equal distribution).

>the ukraine thread is not at that state (yet)
Thanks for the laugh!

shut up lib. Z!


Hah I trooled you

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