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Why is thingnoticer getting banned every single post even on absolutely innocuous posts like this? No actual reason except "im triggered 🤡"
This mod team is ridiculous, fragile beyond belief. As soon as they see its his IP he would probably be banned even for posting "hello" or something.(Different nazi pedophile spammer)


What the fuck is he even talking about, he just calls Jimmy Neutron racist and moves on without elaboration kek


ThingNoticer has a NoticerNoticer


Ban evasion gets you permabanned.

>wow how come this person known for spamming nazi shit and ban evading to sometimes post slightly less odious things isn't allowed to freely say those slightly less odious things

Did you seriously think you had something here????


>permaban the ban evader
Kek like plugging one hole in a sinking ship with your finger. You really think you have something here?


>Ban evasion gets you permabanned.
just like on reddit


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>when I put the URL into my address bar and hit enter it goes to the website
just like on reddit


can jannies stop taking everything so fucking personally? stop thinking that every criticism of the imageboard software, which you didn't write btw, is a personal attack on you.




everyone i dont like is le janny


Why is he called thing noticer?


schizo who reads their insane /pol/ ideology into everything, thinks they are clever for noticing things that others don't, classic schizo behavior


It was originally their name until they changed it because they kept getting made fun of.


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>nooo why don't we allow nazi schizo ban evaders on this website? literally reddit!


I think Thing Noticer has done enough to earn his persona non grata status.

This is why I don't comments on /meta/ seriously


op is complaining about giving big red attention to the fucker for no reason

god the pigs here suck at their role


no he's not you fucking retard, stop gaslighting fucking moron


Because he’s a nazi who has nothing constructive to say and just goes on schizo rants over children’s cartoons.

Why wouldn’t he get banned?


Then shay the rebel troon needs to be permad as well. He openly admitted to ban evading and said it's the only way oldfags can even post on this site (he is right). Funny how the mods erased that thread from existence.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

Unique IPs: 15

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