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we should have a /vt/ board. /vt/ board in 4chan and other 4chlike are filled with generic weaboo chinabad ppl you found in non western country and their more normie like kinds. we should make a alternatives site for discussing vtubing and its culture without the chinabad vibes


Yukari spotted


V tub is bad! It’s bad for you!


Strongly oppose.
Post in >>>/anime/ instead.


File: 1688684693097.webm (864.57 KB, 480x480, fuckyou.webm)

Stronger oppose, use ISG instead. Literally e-celebs with an anime mask.


File: 1688686630969.gif (915.17 KB, 356x270, simp spotted.gif)

Hard no.
There is nothing ok about validating such an exploitative capitalist spectacle.


Strongest oppose, don't even allow the topic on the site at all.


Didn't expect such strong opposition. I agree fully. Final suggestion: post on /GET/ instead, they have vtube general. As a bonus, you can talk about all the children you want to molest without pushback. Now fuck off.


>you can talk about all the children you want to molest
nothing suspicious about someone thinking about this all the time at all!


Agreed, vtuber obsessives should be taken out.




what the fuck are vtubers?


People who take advantage of the mentally ill.


grab a girl/boy, put a live2d model that copies the moves of the real person in a cam, create a character personality, done.
get infinite money and fans, as well as a mountain of haters seething about what you do, but they only sperg on the net so there is no real problem from there.


See here's one of those mentally ill right now:


File: 1688842820961.png (Spoiler Image, 1.88 MB, 1200x1600, ClipboardImage.png)

Profiting off of pedophilia


Literally grown women


brittany venti was only right about 1 thing and that is about vtubers


>Y-you are mentally ill
you are doing a chimpout because of streamers, don't talk to me like you are normal.


See how mentally ill you are, look at your paranoid delusions running wild.


how is not a chimpout to sling buzzwords around with no argument because you seethe at some random streamers in the net ?.
you can cope an seethe about them all you want and call anyone that don't get in your little club as retarded but that does not change that you are doing a chimpout.


Anon you really need to seek treatment. I'm serious.


another round of buzzwords, you truly are a a one trick pony huh.


anon no one is stopping you from making a thread about vtubers on >>>/hobby/

what a pointless thread this is

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