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why did you bastard jannies delete my thread asking about the classics? what rule did that violate?


naj but wdm by "the classics" and how did you present this topic?


i was asking if classics were full of nazis, because i want to study it and i'm conflicted

classical studies = study of ancient greece/rome


>ancient greece/rome
fascists. all of them. The Republic - eugenics manual, etc.
go more ancient, take the pyramid pill.


well it's fine to study them, just be anthropological about it and not romanticize it.


Spam on that IP (vpn), timing with spam, OP read as "baity", replies from known spam IPs. Moved to gulag. You can either remake the thread and I will copy over replies or I will copy it all back to siberia, if you wish, tomorrow.


> You can either remake the thread and I will copy over replies or I will copy it all back to siberia, if you wish, tomorrow.
sure, please move it back over. i don't remember what i wrote.
and this "spam IP" is a mullvad ip, anyone who isn't a moron is using a VPN on this site. are only residential IPs considered non-spammy?


>sure, please move it back over.
Done. >>>/siberia/425898
>are only residential IPs considered non-spammy?

Unique IPs: 7

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