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File: 1692317552507.jpg (213 KB, 580x604, capybara gort.jpg)


what is it about leftypol that makes it the best imageboard BY FAR????? is it the genitally gifted mods??????? is it the lovely schizo-autistic posters?????????


It's both clearly, also the eternal protection we enjoy from our blessed lady of comradery Alunya


Not that the site is bad but
>best imageboard
the bar is on the ocean floor


What makes this board the best is that it is a very simple and elegant design that is easy to understand and easy to understand in a simple way and can be easily explained with simple instructions like such as the following to get a sense for how the game is played.


true true true true
true >>28627 true
true >>28628 true
true >>28629 true
true true true true


This is an imageboard?


File: 1692659800992.jpg (138.81 KB, 1280x720, literallyme!!!.jpg)

tbh for its problems leftypol is p cool site and fw ya'll heavy. the lack of insane right wing schizos (with some notable exceptions) is refreshing and the discussion by the standards of imageboard is high quality. It would be nice if it was a less slow board but by the standards of more obscure imageboards we're fairly active and sometimes the small poster base gives the site a cozy old school feel


I will play Marx to your Hegel:
this is site is fucking terrible, and it is still, by far, the best imageboard.



The lack of any actual posters

Unique IPs: 9

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