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it should be renamed to /incel/ or /relationshipwhining/


<First row not relevant
>Row 2 Item 1: How uncel the incel?
>Row 2 Item 10: Containment thread
This is the cleanest I've seen the board in a long while.


<First row not relevant
Pretty much all of those threads have devolved into some kind of meditation on sexual jealousy


freudianism was a mistake


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they should all just ride a Suzuki GSX-R 750


Could put the capitalism and masculinity thing there too


>animal vote
white woman moment
<india moon thingy
>Alunya x Grace
I mean you can engage with ramance fics without being jealous, but I can see this one.
<pizza lady
I never opened that thread so I dunno who that is
<medical problems general
don't see it
<Joke a day
haven't opened it yet but I don't see it
<Sealposter asking what flag to use
don't see it
<3d porn
don't see it
<piracy thread
a tech subject
I suppose parasociality of corpo vtubers plays a role in how incels are these days so I'll count it
<sonicposter sillypost
<musclegirl thread
drawing references


It's weird that mods did a retarded "containment" strategy that's literally proven to not work in so many cases and then just refuse to address it after that. Almost like they quietly use the incel thread and post incel stuff themselves.


jannies need to filter the word "incel" already like they do with all the other buzzwords


They probably will since they're incels


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They do seem to do a fair job at culling spillover, and claim to have a 0 zero tolerance for it in-thread too, but design wise someone new here is going to recognize it as a containment thread and either leave upon recognising that red flag or contribute to the problem. It's a UI problem, people's pattern recogniton will take precedent even if you are vigilant about enforcing a 0 tolerance on it.


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Speaking for myself, I don't particularly check /siberia/ as much at least as of lately and, in my my experience, trying to clean up/moderate the /relationship/ threads always end up in me trying the hold the thread's hand every time so it doesnt "spillover," as you said. It can be overwhelming to deal with it.

I appreciate the constructive criticism, though. It does feel weird that the relationship general threads tends to be referred in jest as containment threads for incels. There is a place for productive and constructive discussion for these kinda topics without falling into reactionary and chauvinistic traps and derails. I'll try to keep an eye/focus on the board and the relationship generals more, I apologize

On that note, PLEASE report any instances of blatant misogyny and incel reactionary bullshit. If one report doesnt work, send another one!


I still think my idea of moving /siberia/ to the most remote part of the top bar would be a real funny move


Rename it to /relationshipwinning/.

Unique IPs: 9

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