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File: 1692984817241.png (954 B, 150x200, ClipboardImage.png)


Can the mods please implement a minimum word requirement on all boards (including /siberia/)
It will greatly improve the quality of discussions


Anon what happened?


File: 1692985250432.jpg (237.5 KB, 960x958, square.jpg)

black square poasting


>default theme anon detected
try out another theme


File: 1692986315376.png (117.82 KB, 845x677, theme.png)


mods please do this


mods please don't do this. ;)


my time is worth more than yours, be concise or be ignored. if your opinions were more important than the few minutes lost reading a wall of text, you would be a published author


>anon wants to eliminate single-word responses
>"this must mean he wants every post to be a wall of text!!!!"


Adding on to this, the posting system shouldn't be so anglo-centric. I have to throw in English words into a post in a language that isn't English just so that it doesn't get caught by the "flood" filter. So if I want to post a reply or a quote in Russian or Japanese, I have to throw in English language characters.

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