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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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Can I ask, what's the rationale for having different boards, when most are barely used? /akm/ and /tech/ for example?

As for /siberia/, what's the point?


If we’re going by inactivity then you might as well only keep the main board and meta, also siberia is kept for containment zones and low effort shitposts


Just because boards are relatively slow compared to Siberia or leftypol doesn't mean they aren't used.


I know, I was pointing out OP’s false logic


>only keep the main board and meta

That's exactly what should happen.

/siberia/ attracts people who think communism is a joke and meme


Tbf so does the main board to an extent. I still think the problem with siberia is the sex and relationship general, it attracts too many incels and pedos


idc either way but ya Ive definitely wondered why like every board into merged into either leftypol or siberia and maybe hobby. edu is basically just an excuse to turn leftypol into siberia and now siberia feels pointless no? again tho im a relative new fag so take my analysis with a grain of salt.


/siberia/ is the renamed /b/ board, made for exactly that purpose, random, and less moderated posting

/AKM/ is the /k/ board for guns and weapons and shieet.

/tech/ is the board for IT work and development of the site by users as well as addressing tech issues or giving advice regarding computer problems.

The side boards are slow but they're still filled with meaningful entries and their slowness it to their advantage.

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