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I hate reactionaries, man. I fucking hate them.
I hate the way they slither around everywhere trying to "JQ" everyone. It's so fucking cynical and evil.
I thought as I grew older I'd simmer down about wanting to kill every Nazi on earth, but I didn't. In fact with years of life experience my hatred has grown stronger, my contempt more profound. If I found out one of my neighbors was a Nazi smearing his propaganda all over the internet I'd kill him (in minecraft). I'd go to prison just to know one less Nazi walked the earth (in Sim City 2).

I mean, just look at the posts in picrelated. Take a moment to think about how slimy this is, to try and bait-and-switch people into your fucked up cult of jew hate by appealing to the proletarian revolution. The cowardice of it all. God. Fuck.


/pol/ has taken over /leftypol/. Not a thread goes by where there isn’t some anon shilling the JQ, Infrared, or libertarianism. Even native leftypolers adapt their language to sound more like /pol/ because it’s cooler and edgier that way. Meanwhile the only that’s we get on them are BBC cuck posts which they are immune to anyway because they watch so much of that shit.

It’s so over


are you sure because the thread in op's pic is the first mention of the jewish question I've seen in a while


The problem is that people keep going along with the pretense that you can have a good-faith debate with Nazis and other reactionaries.
>Take a moment to think about how slimy this is, to try and bait-and-switch people into your fucked up cult of jew hate by appealing to the proletarian revolution. The cowardice of it all. God. Fuck.
It's like a sick little game they play, which is why they should be shit-canned on sight.


based OP


>literal /i/ shitter thread trying to spread fbi.gov
Go back.


At this point it's more fun to just fuck with them and make them so mad they make laughing stocks of themselves


>shit-canned on sight.
limp wrists typed this


File: 1694711985290.jpg (43.89 KB, 686x582, 0outof10.jpg)

>No freedom of speech for Nazis?!
>So much for the heckin' tolerant Left!


File: 1694727847977.png (511.67 KB, 600x600, 1680167003775306.png)

Dont worry jannies are doing everything in their power to invite even more far right discussion in /leftypol/. All this while banning any communists who disagree with their specific socialist ideology.


I wasn't talking about what you said, but the way you said it. Adding "shit-" to things like "shitlord", "shit-canned", "shit-tastic" is how they talk on reddit and I don't know anyone who uses reddit who doesn't have limp wrists. Elementary deduction.


'shitcanned' predates reddit by at least decades


File: 1694986032144.png (63.46 KB, 1080x461, worsethanreddit.png)

comes from a place worse than reddit… a Tom Clancy novel.


Which itself comes from Army Speak. Stop being mad over literally nothing. At least actual reddit-speak is cringe, this is just old lingo at this point.


>Which itself comes from Army Speak
People using army speak who aren't in the army is mega cringe. You're not helping your case here.


Tango bravo at o eleven hours to hump til the civies hit the ack ack


Not really? Army speak flows out into the population naturally, veterans or servicemen leave their posts and use this language irl. terms like ASAP or FUBAR and other abbreviations people use all the time come from the military, hell a lot of terms in languages of any kind come from military terms throughout history.

>literal nonsense mixtures of phonetics, times and incorrectly spelled shortenings.


>Army speak flows out into the population naturally, veterans or servicemen leave their posts and use this language irl.
That may be normal for you, but not everyone lives in a country that is at perpetual war. We feel sorry for veterans, we don't celebrate them.


>not everyone lives in a country that is at perpetual war.
<Этот идиот не знает что военны жаргон во всех армиях мира, даже те кто на воевал с '45ого года.
Retard, every country with a standing army has veterans and people that sign up for service and later discharged. This has been going on across countries for centuries in every culture, you utter ignoramus
>We feel sorry for veterans, we don't celebrate them.
They don't need your pity, and fuck you I celebrate my veterans, pic rel


Then you're a fool.
>you nearly died for the bourgeoisie, you're a hero!


File: 1695160527238.png (94.59 KB, 291x270, Soviet afg.png)

>then you're a fool
Your opinion is noted and dismissed.


>you nearly died fighting for the bourgoisie
Anon, I…


>The USSR fighting CIA funded Mujaheds and Islamic fanatics is fighting for the bourgs
>Fighting the Nazis and taking Berlin is fighting for the Bourgs


>Russians use American military speak
did you forget how this conversation started? take that American cock out of your mouth, diaspo.


1) Yes Russians do use some American lingo, including military lingo - it's called loan-words.
2) Reread my post
>every country with a standing army has veterans and people that sign up for service and later discharged
>Army speak flows out into the population naturally, veterans or servicemen leave their posts and use this language irl.
My point being that this is universal for all countries with a military, has military lingo become part of common language, English, Russian, Chinese, etc. and it's not cringe, it's consistent with how language develops and grows over time. A specific usage becomes more widespread with exposure and time if it is relevant. Acronyms, slang and terminology spread naturally, regardless of origin.


Just an example of military lingo commonly used today
>Loose Cannon
This term is naval slang and originated regarding the muzzle-loading black-powder cannons used for centuries. These cannons were tied with ropes as a primitive method of recoil shock absorbtion and keeping them from moving around in heavy seas when the deck was pitching back and forth. An iron cannon weighed up to half a ton and so a poorly-tied down one could be devastating if it went flying as it could maim and kill it's owners easily. Thus the term loose cannon. This was later first used in civilian literature during the late 19th century and spread from there. There is nothing cringe about this, because it's literary progression, the same thing happens with modern military lingo, but because of TV, radio and later the internet, such terminology spreads into the civilian sphere much faster and so becomes part of the slang faster. Acceleration through technological progress.

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