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Why is there no thread on /leftypol/ about the United Auto Workers strike


We got the movie guys thread which I guess is the general strike thread now.


/leftypol/ is a burger board, everyone posting there is a burger.
Meanwhile /siberia/ is a true bastion of anti-American, anti-imperialist, third-worldist thought.


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Ziggas are too busy sucking Russia off


because they can't find a way to call them reactionary social fascists like the canadian truckers,and are too busy masturbating about turning the USA into nuclear ashes being the only thing that could improve the country


If old Karl were alive today, he'd take a look at the current state of /leftypol/ and break out the old
>ce qu'il y a de certain c'est que moi, je ne suis pas marxiste


was Marx able to speak French


>someone made a thread
<it was derailed by schizos


Because it's not the first half of the 20th century anymore and anyone who thinks organized labor is going to start a revolution or something in current year is as delusional as the boomers who think we can go back to le 1950s white picket fences suburbia


>We got the movie guys thread which I guess is the general strike thread now.
Yeah that's pretty much what people said in the first one IIRC, if we see the strike wave keep growing then just make it a /strike/ general.


t. auto industry plant


This. Workers strikes dont work anymore.

t. Self deluded idealist




There should be, it's a really huge strike going on. Although I'm guessing the auto industry will be bailed out, just like every other major insolvent compromised institution and enterprise is these days. Although, taking into consideration the economic realities due to massive increases in the cost of living - price inflation - that is not so much the fault of employers or businesses. It's a currency issue: insolvency. And currency issues have to do with unsustainable governmental budgets and bad central banking monetary policies.


nice cat


its in the general

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