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How can revive anti-idpol movement on /leftypol/? To me it seems that this site has regressed into "white people bad because multipolarism" or that one eco-anarchist thinking his vegetarian diet choice is revolutionary or that walkable cities is socialism. Not to mention transhumanism.

Go back to /pol/

Why? That board is 100% idpol and culture wars.

>To me it seems that this site has regressed into "white people bad because multipolarism".
I'm not saying white people bad, but, were you arguing in favor of a US / EU war? Or where do you get this impression from?
> eco-anarchist thinking his vegetarian diet choice is
I get it vegans can be annoying, but it's not like they're ruining threads or anything.
>Not to mention transhumanism.
What do you mean with this?

Nobody has ever said that White people are le bad in this forum. The fact that 90% of multipolarists here support Russia first and foremost should be a tell. What happens is that people here are saying that America is le bad. And we have Americans trying to bring race into the equation because in their mind they're the only true representative of Whiteness, so if you attack America you attack White people which makes as much sense as saying that if you criticize Saudis whipping women for going outside without a male guardian then you're being racist against Arabs in general

you're afraid of a paper tiger that isn't even much of a 'thing'. Maybe it had its hay-day but you'd be hard pressed to actually find someone who lives and walks identity politics and I say this is a transhumanist that knows transhumanists.

you are only being annoying, there is nothing else that would change on this board other than not being allowed to talk about transsexuals like they're a discriminated against minority, which is objectively true.

The idea that transsexuals' 'identity politics' talking of what it feels like to be discriminated against is equivalent to a white nationalist's 'identity politics' (whatever it actually means?) is absurd and wacky

this, liberal idpol peaked in 2016 and has been steadily on its way out since, were living the reaction to it. at its peak it was destructive, but right now its counterproductive to get too hung up on edge cases of people being annoying

people desperate trying to defend transhumanists for no reason is IDpol

>for no reason
But there is a reason, they are fellow workers and attacks on them is an attack on all workers

Oh my god. I was thinking of writing this exact post because I was so fed up with these kinds of threads and ordinary idpol faggotry. You’re a hero

Mods should just purge all pro-putin multipolaristas and dengists, like all real life communist parties in countries not directly relying on russian military aid do.

>pro Putin multipolaristas
How about anyone who just uses so called “Marxist talking points” to justify reactionary policies- I.e Russian imperialism.

>pro dengists

This is far more nuanced than you give it credit for. As much as I disagree with Deng and what the PRC has done, it shouldn’t mean that there are anons who should be stopped from making its case and debating about it.

Unlike Russia- China is controlled by a communist party.

reddit thread

>"white people bad because multipolarism"
I argue with those dumbasses from time to time, they never do this.
>that one eco-anarchist thinking his vegetarian diet choice is revolutionary
Its revoliscous!
>Not to mention transhumanism.
I have literally never saw a single thread pushing trans idpol, I have seen transphobic threads and reactionaries shitting on trans people tho.

you're too late anon, /leftypol/ is just a bunch of glorified radlibs now. 2020 broke the lefts brain including leftypol


the "anti"-idpol people bring that shit up more than anyone else on the site lol. this post is just u being butthurt abt random ass social issues yet you call out the board over not being sufficiently anti-idpol

I've said this before but the best way to sort out the chauvinists who just want a socially conservative dirigsme and normally adjusted dengists who I at least have no problems with would be banning homophobes, something like that would resemble a genuine anti-idpol purge more than what OP is suggesting since it would easily weed out the dweebs obsessed with reactionary social politics non-issues.

it's because mods decide what idpol is and isn't.

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Idpol in the sense /leftypol/ used to mean basically doesn't exist any more. It was a genuine wrecker tactic used by glowies but they overplayed it and very few people fall for it any more.

You're preaching to the choir here, but unless you wanna become a mod…

Actually, idpol is currently being used to control billions of people by means such as religion and rainbow capitalism

Trans peoples rights are more and more attacked in america as seeing the increasing year to year anti trans legislation – what do you mean, "no reason"?

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My favorite part of the vid is the redrum children's art.

No one cares Mija, work harder.

Every other post commentates issues I have, so I'll focus on this:
>eco-anarchist thinking his vegetarian diet choice is revolutionary or that walkable cities is socialism
I don't understand when people commentated on the short comings of Western socialist circles, (mostly America, but Canada also suffers), they pick on walkable cities.

Obviously walkable cities aren't socialism, but they're needed to combat alienation.
People who grew up in car dependent suburbs have half as many friends, and adults who live there have like 1/10 – and these things functionally put you in house arrest until you can learn to drive. It's insane just how harmful they are on a social level, and that's ignoring everything else.

Vegetarian-ism is abit weird, but it'll be helpful to deal with global warming (since cows massively contribute to green house gasses), and it's a healthy diet. If anything it's abit of utopian thinking.

It's as if the critiques of these takes which are kinda slogan-ized, have become slogan-ized themselves.

It exists, and it's kinda successful, it's just not what OP is hoping for.

While it's kinda there with black libs and white supremacist like Badmouse who advocate for a wakanda – it's definitely an issue against trans people, and shortly asian people when China was demonized by Trump during the end of his term.

Granted, it also doesn't help that one of the biggest social medias, twitter – (which is bleeding money sure but will probably just keep raking in investor cash unless they actually paywall the site) – is peddling 4chan tier right wing crap that negatively affects peoples thinking, even if it's just on the subconscious level.

>I don't understand when people commentated on the short comings of Western socialist circles, (mostly America, but Canada also suffers), they pick on walkable cities.
It's reverse-lifestylism. It's people who are in their comfort zone with the way things are now and experience existential panic at the idea that socialism would change things.

>How can revive anti-idpol movement on /leftypol/?
we can't, idpol won so massively it became institutionalised.
these idiots claiming idpol is on its way out are completely ignorant/retarded

>retardo cries that the imperial core is responsible for the destruction and underdevelopment of the periphery
>retardo cries that they can't seethe openly about the existence of trans people (which is somehow anti-idpol lmao)
Keep crying, bitch.

stop being a whiny bitch over the existence of queers and maybe just maybe people will take you somewhat seriously lmao

post chin

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Daily reminder that leftych*n is raiding this site and deliberately posting idpol bait, and antagonizing users then reporting them to be banned for pushing back against liberal idpol rhetoric.

Remember, anyone that starts bitching about people opposing idpol with concern trolling about how "you're just seething about muh lgbt" are promoting literal COINTEL PRO sectarianist rhetoric, which is a bannable offense. Report and Hide.

Proofs: /i/res/1351.html#1598

>bitching about people opposing idpol with concern trolling about how "you're just seething about muh lgbt"
The site has a lot of people who are legitimately full of seething butthurt about LGBT people, women, migrants, lumpens, etc. The kind of tactics you describe generally only work or work best when they are exploiting existing tension points. When a leftychvd posts bait there will be regular board users who unironically agree with it.

As a preface I'm not OP, just an old-fag user passing by.

No, no it really doesn't. This is some false narrative shit that came about in the past 2 years after reddit killed a bunch of "communist" subreddits and they all came here where they immediately began bitching about lasalle jokes and people not uncritically supporting idpol movements. This got obvious backlash from an anonymous leftist politically incorrect imageboard, so people took the piss out of it. Nobody other than blatant, obvious trolls or /pol/ tourists have posted unironic hatespeech or anything like it here, and have ALWAYS been called out for it and pushed back against. Not mindlessly circlejerking liberal idpol ideology is not the same thing as wanting to murder gays.

As for posting bait, that's what moving posts to /siberia/ is for, that's what anchors are for, that's what the report button is for.
>there will be regular board users who unironically agree with it
See the above, I've yet to see genuine unironic agreement to rightoid hatespeech in response to blatant bait over the past few years. Being critical of the lgbt community, or critical of idpol in workers movements is NOT the same thing as hatred of minorities or prejudice against them. Leftypol has always rejected this, and liberalism has always been an insidious trap attempting to use /pol/'s classic tactic of "so much for the tolerant left" but with a rainbow color flag instead of a nazi one.

I personally don't bother with idpol debates and avoid ISG and burger general for that exact reason, but those are containment threads, and when it starts to spill out it gets annoying to push back against it again and again because some liberal or a leftychin bait poster decided they have nothing better to do than write pseudo-leftist screeds about how we're all mean red-fash for not lapping up porky propaganda.

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