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>post a tweet from Destiny, a prominent streamer pundit, in /isg/, about Palestine
>get fucking banned
>appeal denied
Are mods retarded? Answer: yes


this isn't an isolated incident tho is it


Do you think /isg/ is for high quality analysis or something? I'm sick of you newfags.


It's not just in isg tho is it


>check logs
>mod im arguing with is pasquale
Yeah im just gonna get a vpn.


Why not just act normal
It's not that hard


or do literally anything else with your finite lifetime


The irony


I don't mind cleaning


Is that what you tell yourself to justify your lack of job and real world friends?


>t. spends at least 2 hours every day refreshing the recent posts mod page


It auto updates, tell a friend


Just testing






Ah I see

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