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didnt know this existed, and thought i was doomed to browse 4chan blue boards as the only active and least biggotted (because all the other image boards i knew of were even worse) image board where i didnt have to sign up for

im a trotskyist, are those allowed here or should i just pack up my shit and leave or just consign myself to going here for memes
thank you for the info regardless


Yes, the website even has Trotskyist flags


Yes it's cool to be a Trot but prepare for endless tired old icepick jokes from the usual suspects


Not only are Trotskyists welcome but I encourage you to post under the flag


Welcome aboard, don't forget you are here forever.


>im a trotskyist
Literally why


File: 1698603558903.jpeg (9.25 KB, 274x184, free territory.jpeg)

welcome OP


>I am X
you are an internet addict and a larper


>you are x


ironically i used to be but by the time i switched from anarchism to this, ive actually used the interent far far less now lmao
transitional program and permanent revolution are pretty cool ideas i think are cooler than stages """"theory"""" and him saying stalinism was cringe and not based was pretty based imo (also im an english born somalilander so maybe that has to do with something idk)
thank you all, ill enjoy the stay


>and him saying stalinism was cringe and not based was pretty based imo
Lol literally the core of "Trotskyism."


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You are welcome here on leftypol, but remember, do not expect agreement, some of us will mock you, some of us will ignore you and some will dismiss you. Memes and shitposting is a part of the site and the users, so relax, enjoy yourself and don't take everything too seriously.

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