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why the fuck can't this guy be banned? how many fucking IP addresses does this guy have?


File: 1698777265810.jpeg (4.61 KB, 232x130, meds.jpeg)

is the noticer in the room with you right now?


He has to notice.
If he does not notice he dies.


File: 1698777475500.gif (102.32 KB, 300x220, vuvuzela.gif)

We ban him every time but he probably pays $10/month for a VPN or something to change it, anyway his posts are usually unintentionally funny to be honest




That's Charles "Trip" Tucker III, commander of the USS Enteprise NX-01.


Uses tor.
Sauce: I've been shuffled to end nodes that have been banned here, with bans on posts by this retard.


weird how the mods find the time to delete memes and threads they dont like but cant manage to ban a literal nazi who has been shitting up the board for years


the list of tor exit nodes is pretty well known the mods can easily just preban every one on the list, especially when theres an internal way to use leftypol by way of onion site.


Bro he gets banned every time and just keeps coming back with new IP. Dunno what more you want us to do.


Kill him


Clean up on Aisle /isg/. Noticer Spill


speaking of terminally unbannable people, some sicko is literally posting C-P rape in /siberia/ right now. It's been up for several mins.


Tard spill at /isg/


People say autism is inherently revolutionary when annoying assholes like Noticer exist.


We have yet another Noticer spill on several threads.


He's gone, nature is healing


dont jinx it


Wonder if Markus Wolf and Tingnoter are the same guy. They share typing quirks- Does tingnoter haver the brain capacity to juggle personas like that?


>Wonder if Markus Wolf and Tingnoter are the same guy.
>Does tingnoter haver the brain capacity to juggle personas like that?
I don't think so. Th*ngNoticer is one of those midwits that thinks he's the smartest man in the room and that we're all a bunch of complete idiots. He couldn't hide, at least for very long.


Welp, he's back in USApol


think thats just a random /pol/ bot, noticer is too bipolar


>noticer has barely shown up at all since he let it slip that he has this place in his RSS feed and got viciously mocked for it

Did we finally find the one thing too embarrassng even for him? That's he's a weak-willed rage-addicted masochist larping as le ebin sadist?


he's been awol before, I'm sure he'll be back eventually


File: 1707972980823.png (678.46 KB, 1080x607, ClipboardImage.png)

Is Noticer even white? He likes to larp as an American but never posts during Burger/Aussie hours so I'm leaning towards EU Iberian mutt


Define white


When you aren't fly

Unique IPs: 23

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