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What happened to the degenerate > fun word filter? The quality of discussion is dropping pretty quick since it got turned off / broke.


>quality of discussion is dropping pretty quic
where, in the ISG and burger containment threads? It hasn't been an active word-filter in a while and good thing too, since outside of the uygur and other actually good filters, there was way too many dumb ones making conversations word-salads and just being a soft-core censorship system. It also makes quotes get fucked up.


agreed it should have been kept, polyps are literally the only ones using that terminology


IQ > autism score is gone too. Do we just not have word filters now?

uyghur Agent Kochinski mussolini


did they keep the d1scord one ?


lol, thats literally the one fucking up normal posting the most and its still there


only the uyghur filter is still intact damn


some filter are board-specific. but degeneracy into fun and IQ to autism score have been gone since 8chan I'm pretty sure, weren't restored cause they are kinda old talking points that don't get used often now.


I remember them still working back on Bunkerchan. Hmmmm…


maybe on siberia? or GET, they also had some filters.

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