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So, can any mods here explain to me why this thread (https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/1671636.html) was saged despite having at least some quality discussion despite the OP being B8 while this thread (https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/1671745.html), which is full of "Marxist" shitlibs promoting the "Uighur Genocide" and other atrocity propaganda is allowed to remain unsaged?


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moderation is often random. I agree saging that thread was bullshit, wouldnt have known about zapatistas declaration without it, and it would prolly have been revived when they made additional declarations. If they think its bad faith shit just ban the OP for misleading people but keep the thread.
And I agree that other thread is a fucking cesspool of nato propaganda asking for a large purge. IMO it falls within the "reactionary shit cloaked in leftist rhetoric", claiming china or latin america is "false anti imperialism" should be bannable. Hope its just tourists from palestine happening shitting up the website because the janguard isnt up to the task.


its fake news, simple as.
maybe if the OP said the Zapatistas were restructuring and not finished

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