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File: 1701001746508.png (20.88 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


I wish the site had a better oekaki app. It's passable for lineart, but no layer, opacity control and zooming support makes it frustrating to use for anything else. Tegaki seems like a nice candidate seeing how it does not force you to use a tiny box in the reply section by default, but maybe there is a better alternative out there?


Do you have a link?


just use a proper editor like green is my pepper if you want decent features


File: 1701009854150.png (958.27 KB, 1920x1080, green is my pepper.png)

4chins' /i/ board uses it currently.
Already do as well as Krita. Really good, but at the same time I like the integration that oekaki apps have.

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