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Can we change the landing page about Ukraine? its pretty out of date now.

I am sick and tired of all this Ukraine talk. Ukraine this, Russia that, Poopin there. Well how about you claim some bitches instead?
Also sick Satan trips bro.

Sure. What do you suggest?

Make it an iframe of search.php?search=name%3A"News+Anon+3.0"+News&board=leftypol or ask News Anon to get a secure trip.

I think maybe the best thing would be to create a monthly landing-page essay thread. We don't really get enough effort-posts here. So perhaps there could be a thread pinned on /leftypol/ for submissions for this months landing-page essay. Then maybe people could vote on it like the animal mascot thread on /siberia/?

It could be capped at maybe, 1000 words?

Holy fucking shit a good idea?

welcome to heck nerd.

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