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They're not leftist, they're not anarchist, they're not marxist, they're not socialist, they're a fascist front.
The site is going to shit more than it ever has.


who? point them out, link their posts here


better yet purge all red fascists


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>ban everyone I don't like
>muh P-patsocs!
Is this a new version of "muh tankies" cope? Stop seething because you can't defend your arguments with people that disagree with you, and demanding mods "purge" a specific leftist group is literally sectarian provocation and against Site Rules, if you can't argue with them, or dislike their posts, then use the options given to you to hide their posts and ignore.

This "U-ur all fasheests" reeks of liberal finger-pointing and projection.
>they're not anarchis
Oh, so ancaps are okay then?

Whatever. OP needs to turn off their computer, go outside, touch grass and stop treating a couple anonymous posts on an obscure forum, like some major political problem.


kill yourself. theyre nazis


>Everyone I Don't Liek Iz A Nazi: A Liberal's Guide to Online Discussion
<Look at how edgy I am mom, I said Kys to a stranger online!
<No argument
Ok bud, back to reddit, now.


Come on fag, explain me how they are not.


>tourist trap
>traditional European urban planning
Lol, LMAO even.


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If I have to explain to you what a Nazi is, and why your usage is incorrect, you need to lurk more and read a fucking book about The NSDAP and its actions. This is textbook liberal cope.


the site doesn't have a patsoc problem it has a china problem, and really its more a problem with mentality, uyghas have basically latched onto china and russia as their last source of hope because they feel so insecure about their own people and themselves that they've already accepted the idea that socialism can never happen where they are unless through collaboration. a very american thought process funny enough.


Material reality of Western Socio-economics confirms the idea that revolutions in Western society are not happening, liberalism pervades the leftist movements and even if that weren't the case, active COINTEL PRO interference and surveillance makes organizing anything meaningful almost impossible. There is no vanguard of the revolution, there is no wide-spread singular ideological banner people are coming together under, there is no unifying factors other than petty social-drama only engaged in at a surface level. What events happen are PERMITTED to occur, as a method of letting people blow off frustrations, and it is always redirected in a way that creates idpol divisions that set the working class peoples against one another, rather than against the establishment.

This is also seen historically. In the aftermath of WW-1 the Russian Revolution and some of the colonial revolutions were the only ones actually successful. The Brits and French never got to a revolution, only having some protests and internal issues that were crushed. The USA assuaged revolutionary build up that had been accumulating since the Gilded Age, with the Roaring twenties being boomingly successful, and later FDR's Social Democratic reforms easing the pressure on the populace and in his own words, saving capitalism. Germany repressed its movements, which were divided and pervaded with liberals to boot. ALL these Western states spent significant amounts of time, revisionist education and money in enforcing the idea that "communism 100 gorillion" and that life under capitalism is good because "U can consume all deez items"; Even a homeless guy can buy MacDonalds because the garbage is cheap and loaded with chemicals that tell you the pink-slime-slop tastes good when it really isn't.

The fact is, Russia, China, Cuba, the DPRK, Venezuela, African countries, etc. have support from the people you call "patsocs" because they have a base where socialist thought is not demonized, where a culture of revolutionary thought remains. That's why there's support, and that's why people can ignore Russia being capitalist, because a multipolar world is preferable to a single US dominated hegemon, and provides opportunity for leftist movements to rise and gain strength. Indias Marxist Leninist party are in the millions, Africa is rapidly increasing its revolutionary potential and throwing out colonial remnants, while making partnerships with Russia and China, not exploitative neo-colonial agreements like the West has had with Africa.

Just because you're an idealist and disagree, does not mean that support for these countries makes posters right wing, let alone Nazis, and this reeks of petty liberal sectarianism attempting to create an echo-chamber, like how r/socialism did years ago. We mocked them for that back then.


You're not very good at hiding your true intentions friend.


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fags claim MLs have given up and are just waiting for china to save them but then turn around and whine all day that le cee cee pee isn’t funding their book club


The only 'intention' of mine is to call out blatantly obvious liberalism trying to do what has been attempted repeatedly on leftypol for ages; shut-down discussion and scream "red-fash" at anyone that isn't an idealist, especially with the disingenuous /pol/-tier shit about "muh Rusha and chyna supporters". It's a typical example of first-world entitlement attempting to preach at people. Before this it was the abuse of the term reactionary even when the label wasn't applicable by definition, and before that it was whining about "muh tankie oppreshun". But since outright saying tankie or red-fash is an instant unmask at this point, the new hip buzzword has become patsoc, to try and shout-down those that oppose "Muh Both-sides" rhetoric, or engage in Real Politik and material analyses rather than armchair idealism. More importantly, you can complain and argue, but attempting to get others banned for not agreeing with you and using "nazi" as the excuse, is just bad faith and in poor taste. You want an echo-chamber that will wank about "muh russkies" go to "leftist" subreddits, they'll be glad to take you.


This. Reddit is the place for this mental disease of crypto-trotskyism


Patriotism (staple of marxism leninism) is fascism
Its why baizuo have never had any success
Western working classes are reactionary to the core and you will never change


Accusing your opponent to be a fascist front without elaborating further is not a good way to make a point.

The real problem with patsocs and the reason why they are ridiculous is that they hold no convictions except class collaboration.
To them, capitalist exploitation is good as long as the good capitalists are in charge. If there is enough nationalist propaganda based on old-school bourgeois family values, telling you to be a good hard working wagie for the glory of the nation, it's all good.

That's why you can see Jackson Hinkle talking positively about Israel because Netanyahu shook hands with Xi and Putin, months before doing a complete 180° and suddenly becoming a fervent pro-Palestinian influencer when shit hits the fan.
That's also how people like Haz arrive at conclusions like "baristas and service workers aren't real workers". It's not a matter of value creation, surplus value extraction, or economics, it's a matter of vibes and their place in society: Starbucks workers and underpaid Hollywood staff go on strike? "Fuck them, they are filthy westoids, they need to get a real job" as if "real jobs" weren't also underpaid. When the "real working class" in the US automotive sector or food deliverers in China go on strike, they don't give a fuck about it because they are too busy blabbering about Dugin and how the Ottoman Empire was socialist.

Nu-/leftypol/ has the same problem, more often than not, it's all a matter of an epic battle between capitalist nation-states and their figureheads on a global scale.
Since AES countries had to engage in realpolitik by necessity and came with ad hoc justifications for it, now we all need to play the game of "if I were a Soviet leader, to who I would give my critical support to?" for every conflict happening between capitalist nation-states competing for resources.
The end result is glorifying class collaboration. For quite a few self-proclaimed "MLs" here, it's not a matter of capturing the state anymore, in order to turn it into a dictatorship of the proletariat, but a matter of which capitalist states we should cheer for and which capitalists states we should badmouth.
The message in the end is the same: while we are waiting for China to press the socialism button in 2050, in the meantime, be a good patriotic wagie and shut the fuck up, the bourgeoisie needs you to build the productive forces and deliver my goddamn meal.

>The fact is, Russia, China, Cuba, the DPRK, Venezuela, African countries, etc. have support from the people you call "patsocs" because they have a base where socialist thought is not demonized, where a culture of revolutionary thought remains.
The CPC put Maoist students who want a return to a planned economy in prison. All strikes in China are wildcat strikes, because the only union in China is controlled by the state, and the state doesn't want workers to go on strike. The 996 workweek phenomenon wouldn't have happened if the CPC enforced labor laws rigorously.
Xi might vaguely allude to Marx in official speeches, but the main reason why you can buy very cheap stuff on AliExpress is because the Chinese working class is heavily exploited by the Chinese bourgeoisie. The world runs on profit, not on good sentiments.

>That's why there's support, and that's why people can ignore Russia being capitalist, because a multipolar world is preferable to a single US dominated hegemon, and provides opportunity for leftist movements to rise and gain strength.

This has yet to be proved. So far I only see more wars from nation states who want to have more resources under their control. The people who fight on the battlefield are not the bourgeoisie, but proles with families.
Multipolarity is increasing military spending in every country of the world, and this military eventually needs to be used to an end. I'm not saying the status quo ante bellum was better, but I don't think multipolarity is a silver bullet for worldwide socialism.


>Patriotism (staple of marxism leninism)
lmao, the .neteens are getting tired and are just dartboarding buzzwords now.


HinKKKle is a fascist and it's plain and simple. HinKKKle is a settler nationalist and white supremacist. He denounces landback and decolonization. If HinKKKle were to lead a revolution in North AmeriKKKa, the indigenous population would still be opressed.


i agree, the patsocs (we should really be calling them fashsocs) have been running amuck in leftist spaces.


"The fact is, Russia, China, Cuba, the DPRK, Venezuela, African countries, etc. have support from the people you call 'patsocs'" Those countries are all revisionist. No wonder revisionism would side with fascism.


also most patsocs want me dead for being trans. there is no way i'm allying with those losers lmao.


Critical support for countries in the periphery doesn't make you a patsoc lmao. This premise is retarded, there is nothing to gain from allegiance with patriots. It isn't pragmatic, it's just naive.


Why are we even calling them patsocs in the first place? them being patriots has nothing to do with socialism. The -soc part is just a cardboard shield for them.


>Is this a new version of "muh tankies" cope?
no thats accusing everyone around you of being an ultra

fatsocs stay mad lol


>"If China is so based why aren't they funding the revolution in my country?"

no one has ever said this lmao. but fatsoc anons did immediately turn zionist when someone suggested china should stop trading with them lmao.


It's easy. Keep them confined to /ukraine/ and let them spread any kind of stuff they want but ban on sight if they post "Russia is crushing the blue haired trans NAFO Starbucks petty booj workers" outside of the containment zone.


>leave thread after making my post
>instant reeeing by all the liberals feeling called out and trying to deflect, cope and otherwise bring up false points
>only one actual effort-response.

Effort post anon - (you) know who you are - while I disagree with your argument and think that you're approaching this lopsided, I respect you for actually arguing your point and criticism instead of lashing out like a child and screeching "N-nazis" at those you perceive to be incorrect. Ironically you're proving my point however, that if "patsocs" or whatever nonsense it is, post here and you can't write a proper response, or if you can't just hide and ignore, then that's on the others. Plenty of groups on this site are what I would consider fairly bad faith, but I wouldn't have them banned, unless a specific reason is given for an individual. I can argue and debunk a /pol/fag on their nonsense, just as easily as I can argue and out-debate a liberal, I've done so before on this site, such as in the /edu/ Debunk thread that I made years ago, and where-in a /pol/fag argued all sorts of capitalist talking points that I shot down methodically.

Again, if you are incapable of providing a a proper argument or rebuttal to your verbal opponent then perhaps you need to re-assess how well informed you are and what position you should be taking.

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