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>decide to check on .net
>it's all whining about le .ogre, transhumanists, women and idpol shit
Why are they like this?


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Also wrong board?


It's a fucking shame.
When I was a mod on bunkerchan, Comatoast was really one of the best guy around: had previous experience managing other imageboards, serious about shit that matters yet also a fucked up broke-ass uygha in his personal life like so many of us imageboard users, very relatable guy, and he was trying to get better and he more or less did despite very dire circumstances, which is an achievement really. Yes, he is crazy, but who isn't? Certainly not me.
Then the coup happened, then another coup, and now we have come to this.
I can see what happen in their matrix channels, and the people there aren't dumb, some of them are very much in tune with all the happenings of this cursed world. They could effortpost if the online conditions of shitposting were right (except "Comrade" Watermelon who is a complete Haztard) but instead, they buried themselves into their search for revenge, and it only leads to pathetic places.
Why? Why do they engineer silly plots like "we are going to pretend to be Zionists in the Palestinian thread on .orge so people will just leave the main /leftypol/ imageboard and join us browse Elon Musk controlled social media instead"? Really lads? This is one of your goals in life? Learn to play a musical instrument or something instead ffs.

Comatoast, if you are reading this, do the same as krates, stop giving a fuck about these dying imageboards, you had an interesting idea for an essay, you are involved in unions IIRC, focus on this. Hanging out too much with sore losers and chűds will only lead you to ruin. Yes, you aren't the admin here anymore, but is it worth it to be the admin of a pile of rubble? You are a really creative guy, you had crazy ideas for a new kind of social media, you are dedicated to free software, despite your shitty life conditions, dude just go on with that and stop thirsting for revenge, it's a fucking waste of time.


In the best case it's refuse from here, that is, people too dumb and insistent to not behave in such a way they won't be repeatedly thrown out here. Otherwise it's more unsavory elements.
So what the hell did you expect?


The moderation on this site is hardly good at determining the quality of a poster. For over a year they harbored russian ultranationalists and banned anyone who challenged their fascist drivel.


Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


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That's the entire point of being there and not here. Like if they wanted to actually engage with higher brow, leftist, or even just chill discussion they'd just do it here. .net is defined entirely by being a failed splinter with a pro-idpol policy.


>t. mod who let the alt-nationalistic zigger cancer spread out like it's no big deal
There is nothing to be proud of. If you would engage with normal posters regularly, you would know you are managing a declining shithole, but go on sir and don't forget to never self-crit ever, as usual. A bit of sarcasm is always a good weapon when you are faced with the bad results of your decisions.


Do you see yourself as normal?

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