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Siberia is a cold, harsh and unforgiving environment. It's not your wholesome, cosy safespace.
Rename the board to something more appropriate if you're going to delete all of the spicy threads.


What spicy threads?


"O the weather outside is frightful,
But the fire is so delightful"


As someone who browses the overboard often, there really isn's a lot of un-zapworthy threads that get deleted. I do think they could've refrained from bumplocking the incest thread tho, but I don't think they're overmoderating.


As a general rule, unspecific complaints don't help. Just fyi
>the incest thread
I don't know what that is.


Please, for the love of god, stop trying to treat this website like 4chan and all other chan nazi websites.


if you want leftypol to be a generic "chan" then you should go back methinks


Kill soyteens, behead soyteens, swing soyteens head first into trees.


If you want to use /b/ so much then go back there, and you're delusional if you think 4chan was remotely leftist in the 2000s

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