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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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Hello, I tried posting once on this website a few years ago and got instantly banned for "evasion" because a janny thought I was someone they knew or something.
What should a newfag know before posting here?

go away


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Idk, welcome, swear the board isnt as bad as it might appear on the first glance.

Read the rules linked on the front page other than that have fun

>What should a newfag know before posting here?
lurk moar
>I tried posting once on this website a few years ago and got instantly banned for "evasion" because a janny thought I was someone they knew or something.
Common issue with how banning by IP works, people unrelated to the problem posters can get caught in range bans.

>Common issue with how banning by IP works, people unrelated to the problem posters can get caught in range bans
it wasn't an automated range ban though, I think I remember a mod replying to my post with an insult, calling me a name I had never heard, and when I tried to reply to them I discovered I was b&
I probably just arrived at the wrong moment when someone was actually ban evading

Hello and welcome to /siberia/! I like your picture and your flag.

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- lurk on the overboard
- engage in sillyposting, it's important for keeping morale up and not falling into a culture of being performatively uptight.
- try develop opinions that exceed the boilerplate of the given topic. No one wants to hear the same opinions and arguements ad infinitum. It's like building in minecraft, you can watch tutorials, but the fun is coming up with your own design.
- develop good notebook management.

thanks, I try my best
why would I need a notebook?

Keeps your thoughts in order. I lean towards notebooks for that, but if you have your own methods effective to that end then you probably don't need one.

This is the board for being silly, take it aisy
/leftypol/ is semi serious
/edu/ is super serious
Let's be friends

imo, following this logic there should be a SFW siberia(semi silly) and a NSFW siberia(super silly). it just disgusts me seeing porn on overboard(pun not intended).

tip: don't avatarfag

Updated version: https://www.marxists.org/archive/bordiga/works/1957/fundamentals.htm

Dont listen to this anon, Felix is cute character.

sorry anon…

Cute boy.

>Hello, I tried posting once on this website a few years ago and got instantly banned for "evasion" because a janny thought I was someone they knew or something
Don't use clearnet.

rule no. 1 is to always post a cute picture of felix with your posts.

If you like femboys, check out my femboydom thread.
Classic that everyone enjoys, but for some reason I'm the only one who has to update it.

Keep doing it.

>Classic that everyone enjoys
>I'm the only one who has to update it
Maybe it's just a cope.

Femboy mitosis
I've contributed some, just been in a boobs mood as of late.

Unique IPs: 15

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