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File: 1704513089243.png (28.01 KB, 512x512, 1f644.png)


can he oficial leftypol twitter accoint please stop retweeting an*me cr*p, I want to read about socialism not g*y cartoons


File: 1704514215942.jpeg (270.3 KB, 1125x1096, nice argument dante.jpeg)

>goes to imageboard
>hates anime

you can't explain that


no, I went to twitter


File: 1704514840233.jpg (59.12 KB, 573x527, dn5cc8a8fia91.jpg)

more f*ggot an*me ogey


File: 1704766491768.jpg (22.83 KB, 500x425, bait yourself.jpg)

>going on twitter
>coming to an imageboard and expecting no anime
>disjointed spelling


>every imageboard must be filled with anime


>going on twitter
>expecting anything but coal

its your own fault


>a communist anonymous imageboard has an "official" shitter account


Is there a fedi yet?


We have been considering. Personally, not sure where to start.
We do have a bluesky though: https://bsky.app/profile/leftypol.bsky.social


Otaku culture was perhaps integral to image board culture at the beginning but it's evolved past that to the point.


/leftypol/ is on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter?


sure but it's still silly, if you hate anime then idk go on facebook or something

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