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Workerism and the fetishization of the third world has grown more and more on this site. To anyone with an actual understanding of marxism, it is clear these people base their entire politics out of the aesthetic liking of a specific subset of the proletariat, and sometimes not even proletariat but ethnicities or countries.

Using terms such as "firstoid", claiming vast swathes of the working class are not working class because they dont adhere to their made up standards of "real workers" despite fullfilling the marxist definition of proletariat, is a clear instance of identity politics. It is no different from sakaiists saying "white workers cant be revolutionary" or other forms of race and identity based politics.

This is a clear violation of the "no Identity Politics" rule of /leftypol/.

In accordance with this, the moderation team needs to crack down on these groups, not least because they have historically been a wrecker force to the movement and most likely to pull people into fascistic currents.


Not really a crackdown but they are getting more retarded every day on their own.
What's really annoying is they ruined westoid posting.


Reactionaries digging their own grave
like clockwork


Oh but you know what is "l'esprit de l'escalier" or "der Treppenwitz". It's firstoids ruining firstoid funposting.
Useless fucking eaters


OP is clearly a seething, entitled first-world radlib, butthurt about being called out and so creating this retarded OP complaining about it, while wording it in a palatable way to site-users, typical deceitful liberal, trying to hide your disingenuous garbage behind 'Marxism'.


> "firstoid"
Does anyone actually use that word? Nearest thing I saw was "westoid", and at nauseum at that


Kill firsties
Kill them, every man, woman and child


Sorry just had a heated gamer moment


having a self-employed maid isn't bourgeois. Having a petty-bourgeois landscaper mow your lawn isnt bourgeois.


>the proletariat
This is an abstract idea and doesnt mean anything. WHICH proletariat? WHERE?
>sometimes not even proletariat but ethnicities or countries
The national question takes equal precedence with the class struggle, this is basic marxism leninism 101


>This is an abstract idea and doesnt mean anything. WHICH proletariat? WHERE?
The entire of class wage-working people. The international proletariat.


This is basically 19th century thinking, you have not updated your marxism beyond that, you seem illiterate regarding the national question and then you have the gall to use that image in your OP. Lol


>In accordance with this, the moderation team needs to crack down on these groups, not least because they have historically been a wrecker force to the movement and most likely to pull people into fascistic currents.
This. Third-worldists are fucking cancer. I've always thought that it's always quite interesting that they always show up when the economy starts turning and people start talking about socialism. It's been such a blatant Glow-op ever since the MIM days.


>you seem illiterate regarding the national question
You are illiterate. Use commas correctly, retard.


>the national question
The answer to national question is that its of secondary importance to class struggle, what else do you want?


That's trotskyite retardation


if you just hit em with ole "post wall socket" they get real quit. I would go as far to say alotta of these posts are just americans venting abt having to interact with their countrymen cuz that literally been me before.

If trotskyite retardation is when you don't drop class struggle to collaborate with the soon to be comprador national boug than I guess I have Trisomy 21.

>nswer to national question is that its of secondary importance to class struggle

congrats on abandoning the socialist project anon

tbh most of the "le firstoid is bad" posting could just be counteracted with pointing to out that an absurd amount of MTW theorists live in Scandivania or the just one of the many random qoutes from non-western MLs saying shit like:

>Among the whites in the United States it is only the reactionary ruling circles who

oppress the black people. They can in no way represent the workers, farmers,
revolutionary intellectuals and other enlightened persons who comprise the
overwhelming majority of the white people.


I didn't mean to imply that I don't engage in westoid posting myself
at all


>TWist posters immediately show up and prove OP right with bait replies

Post wall socket, nerds


>I'm mad that OP called me out on being a closeted liberal


Quality Control? No!
Cracker Control? Yes!


wasting your time OP, the mods here semi officially endorsed the line you're complaining about months ago.


Are you kidding? They let idpol baiters run rampant.


<The answer to national question is that its of secondary importance to class struggle
This is in fact trotskyism, as it is imperialist bourgeois ideology which presents a general truism of Marxism as the answer to a genuine question, thereby discarding the question completely. These snake imperialists thereby present themselves as radical and scientific, but are in fact counter-revolutionary and utopian.

The dialectical materialist has long understood that the answer to the national question is integral to the class struggle.


>platitudes disguised as science
ok poster


yeah i think we all do and making fun of the capitalist west is basically impossible not to do but wall should all avoid the boof ass MTW read settlers ass shit as the ahistorical idpol it is


None of those are platitudes. That is a frank analysis of the material phenomena of bourgeois ideology which has manifested itself in this thread


>word salad

We need to stop telling edgy teenagers to read DiaMat



These people are just a mutation of 2010s SJW radlib types.
>I am [X demographic] and I must masochistically check my privilege and ritually grovel for forgiveness from a idealized and infantilized caricature of [Y marginalized group]
has mutated into
>I am a settler colonist and I must masochistically wring my hands about how I must be nuked by the ghost of Dessalines for being a KKKracker

None of these people actually give a fuck about building socialism or helping marginalized groups, it's just the same old game of sadomasochistic PMC LARPers trying to hold everyone around them hostage to their own narcissistic self-hatred.


>simple sentence = word salad
illiterate, literally



No, it's word salad. It's just a bunch of buzzwords taken from dialectical materialism stitched together into a hollow platitude that resembles a coherent statement, but in reality, it's hollow.

You haven't analyzed anything, nor have your compatriots on this site generally. You've just hurled empty invective, called it "analysis," and then expect others to give you validation for saying the right things. You have the mentality of an adolescent.

A great example of this is your use of the term "Trotskyism." Have you demonstrated any necessary connection with Trotskyism as a set of positions and arguments? Have you provided evidence or logical reasoning? No, you've simply made a series of assertions, and your reasoning amounts to "because I said so."

You and your fellow travelers here are the type of people who give Marxists a bad name - you visibly don't care about socialism, you simply want to weaponize terminology you barely understand as a cudgel with which to beat others down.

You're not communists, you're bullies. The end.


Bullies is a stretch
The proper term is LARPers
Leftypol is a hangout for the online stalinist subculture, that’s what you’re missing
No they can’t really be said to have any ideology for the most part other than a vague aesthetic approximation of stalinism, that’s about it

Leftypol used to be smarter, but it dumbed down significantly around the start of the Russo-Ukrainian War


>No, it's word salad. It's just a bunch of buzzwords taken from dialectical materialism stitched together into a hollow platitude that resembles a coherent statement, but in reality, it's hollow.
Wrong. All of it is a statement that carries truth. Your lack of understanding does not change the truth.
>You haven't analyzed anything, nor have your compatriots on this site generally. You've just hurled empty invective, called it "analysis," and then expect others to give you validation for saying the right things. You have the mentality of an adolescent.
Such paper-thin bourgeois ideology requires no such analysis. Your failure to realize this is quite hilarious. Do you actually believe that the paper-thin bourgeois ideology in this thread even deserves or can garner such analysis? 2+2=4, not 5. It is that simple.
>and then expect others to give you validation for saying the right things. You have the mentality of an adolescent.
I expect no validation. I just posted the truth. The existence and continuous defense of blatant bourgeois ideology alone is what drives me. Your attacks are meaningless, as is your defense of this paper-thin bourgeois ideology.
>A great example of this is your use of the term "Trotskyism." Have you demonstrated any necessary connection with Trotskyism as a set of positions and arguments? Have you provided evidence or logical reasoning? No, you've simply made a series of assertions, and your reasoning amounts to "because I said so."
You blindly make the assertion that this bourgeois ideology is worth defending, then defend it with nothing but blindly made assertions. 
>You and your fellow travelers here are the type of people who give Marxists a bad name - you visibly don't care about socialism, you simply want to weaponize terminology you barely understand as a cudgel with which to beat others down. 
This is Trotskyism, as you reduce socialism down to some mere idea that some people care about. Beating down agents of reaction and reactionary ideas is revolutionary.
>No they can’t really be said to have any ideology for the most part other than a vague aesthetic approximation of stalinism, that’s about it
The only ideology promoted by myself is Communist ideology.
>Leftypol used to be smarter, but it dumbed down significantly around the start of the Russo-Ukrainian War
I've only seen evidence of the opposite.


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Don't you call me a bully. I'm so much worse than that.


Why don't you just act normal?


>What's labor aristocracy


I will not degrade myself and my understanding down to bourgeois normalcy


>I'm right because I said so
>You can't hurt my feelings because I'm actually a worse person than you realize

lmao this site deserves to die and I'm glad none of you will ever get married or have kids

You're profoundly unserious people hiding behind a mask of misapplied jargon.


>worse person
I never said or implied that. That's your interpretation and that's fine. It doesn't interest me thoughever.


>lmao this site deserves to die and I'm glad none of you will ever get married or have kids
you're just projecting your own inceldom.
>You're profoundly unserious people hiding behind a mask of misapplied jargon.
You failure of understanding does not equate to a misapplication of language.
Analyze my cock


so much larp in one post


*sound of bear trap slamming shut*


>xiteen can't even understand what's being said to him but REEs anyway

holy fucking cope


what in the fresh fuck


its what the mods ban you for for not supporting bourgeois PMC unions, like the hollywood writers who get paid half a million minimum per rick and morty episode.



> Worship of the worker is found in various state ideologies, such as Stalinism and Nazism. Workers are honoured for their role as builders of the nation, the economy, capital.
Your source only exemplifies how retarded anti-"workerists" are


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(taps sign)


paragraphs of westoid cope. summarize it to one sentence and tell me how that isnt just imperialism


>proving the entire post right in two sentences


The entire post is just westoid cope. Anti-imperialists are slandered as third worldists. The post is anti-consciousness. There is anti-imperialist theory which validates the position. None of it is rhetorical. It is all literal.


>I'm mad that I got called out on being an abrasive tryhard that nobody wants to talk to so I have to try and make this about something bigger


idiocy. youre an imperialist


>proving the post right again by screaming "imperialist" at anybody who dares call out your behavior


it is a clear manifestation of imperialist consciousness. read sakai


>not taking my edgeposting seriously is imperialism


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It's a thing
I know "worker" gets a pavlovian response but


Speaking as someone who matches the description of the latter (literally all of my labor has been manual), I can tell you I've met plenty of proles that fit into the former. One such person works three jobs.


but do you wear a choker (I'm bored of this discussion). If you are the kinda person that wears a choker, I'll try to get into your pants. It's just monkey brain shit, if you dress "flamboyant", I'll think you are easy. And I like em easy.
Point is, the distinction between choker-wearers and non-choker wearers is more important than between manual and digital labor.


I don't personally wear a choker. I generally dress very casually, especially at work.


It is time to bump this and congratulate myself on a job well done. I predicted this at the start of the thread almost two months ago and it went exactly according to my prognosis. How did I do that? Through the power of the prophet Marx and DiaMat of course.

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