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I have been unfairly banned from /siberia/ with the reason "painfully unfunny" (which is a) not true, b) not against the rules), but the worse thing is that it does not show up in the board log: https://leftypol.org/log.php?board=siberia

What's the point of the logs if they don't show the moderator actions?


what did you post?


>b) not against the rules


The modocracy has unilaterally decided that stalking is bad


That's a bug in the software fwiw.


oh you posted the thread about the egirl. I can certify that it was
a) funny
b) halal


specially that reply about the youtube crimes. that one made me giggle for like 10 minutes


Are we talking about Alice thread? I am also upset that one got deleted, did it not meet /siberia/ quality standard?


>all that mod activity


Also didn't it used to say "User deleted her own post #1234"?



reverted for the moment
It's fine, just don't worry about it


Why was the thread deletef? What rule did it break?


How should I know
Even if I did I won't go into specifics


>Even if I did I won't go into specifics
Why not?


bc I don't want to


You have just one purpose in life and you still manage to fail at it. Well done.




I spit on you.


Sounds like someone got some growing up to do



I wish we were on old reddit so I could upvote and give reddit gold to your post


Yeah, yeah, I see you
Oh my god you said the r-word, you must be an oldfag
Neither reddit nor 4chan


You NEED to have sex.




Overused meme.


But apt in this case


Objectively incorrect but ok


I'm right and you are wrong


Beyond delusional.


In any case, I hope you reflect on your life choices. Because if they brought you here to me you must have done something wrong, no?





mental illness


straight out lack of intelligence


verifiably incorrect



obvious pseud


>me? I'm verifiably smart


That post was made by a different person. Pseud.

Unique IPs: 6

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