It's been long overdue. I've worn out my welcome on, and although i have struggled to impress people and try to remain within the site's good graces by effortposting here and there, it's clear to me that nobody actually likes me here, and it's also clear that most of you guys are yankee collaborators if not outright US nationalists. I'm sick of being constantly ridiculed and mocked and it's probably better if i just focus on writing my second book and trying to stabilize my life, because my "comrades" sure as shit couldn't care less about any of it. I'm still going to be using element but i don't care about the site anymore, especially because the fucking staff can't fucking figure out that maybe instead of trying to constantly engage in the sisyphean task of banning reactionaries they should have been improving the site. I put forth proposals to improve the site myself, such as having an overboard that focuses mainly on collecting effortposts from /edu/ and /leftypol/ to reduce the theorylet problem, or having an overboard that focuses mainly on current events, like a dedicated NewsAnon section. I don't care to flesh out these ideas, i felt like i did a pretty good job explaining them in a thread that nobody cared enough to archive about 2 years ago. I understand that the jannies are understaffed but stop fucking wasting your time on cleaning up pepes and maybe focus on coding the fucking site idfk. Anyway goodbye guys. I thought maybe i'd have earned some respect by now but whatever. Despite the mockery and disrespect, i promise that when Socialism is established in the south, i will give all of you guys a position as indoor slaves where you can at least have air conditioning. You won't be mistreated.
>>31036Cracking down on reactionaries is good actually.
>nooo it's pointless!It's called quality control. Look at 4chan to see what happens when you let them run wild in the name of "free speech" or indifference.
>>31036>it's clear to me that nobody actually likes me hereWell, I, probably as an anon who doesn't know anything about you, because of the cogs of my current constitution- it somehow fills me with a melancolic gaze that if an anon departs from here, but it's a reality, I suppose, most of us do it without a thread, a quiet, elegant leave.
With many kind of reasons and forces beneath it, I suppose. If mine occurs, it would be probably from a consuming sorrow.
So, for your departure, I am actually not happy about it.. or how you may define it, maybe it conforms into your concept of 'liking'?
But, i guess nothing lasts forever. I am unable to judge, as it's a thing in your spirit. So, there is nothing I can give to u besides this text.
>It's been long overdue. I've worn out my welcome on, and although i have struggled to impress people and try to remain within the site's good graces by effortposting here and there, it's clear to me that nobody actually likes me here, and it's also clear that most of you guys are yankee collaborators if not outright US nationalists. I'm sick of being constantly ridiculed and mocked and it's probably better if i just focus on writing my second book and trying to stabilize my life, because my "comrades" sure as shit couldn't care less about any of it. I'm still going to be using element but i don't care about the site anymore, especially because the fucking staff can't fucking figure out that maybe instead of trying to constantly engage in the sisyphean task of banning reactionaries they should have been improving the site. I put forth proposals to improve the site myself, such as having an overboard that focuses mainly on collecting effortposts from /edu/ and /leftypol/ to reduce the theorylet problem, or having an overboard that focuses mainly on current events, like a dedicated NewsAnon section. I don't care to flesh out these ideas, i felt like i did a pretty good job explaining them in a thread that nobody cared enough to archive about 2 years ago. I understand that the jannies are understaffed but stop fucking wasting your time on cleaning up pepes and maybe focus on coding the fucking site idfk. Anyway goodbye guys. I thought maybe i'd have earned some respect by now but whatever. Despite the mockery and disrespect, i promise that when Socialism is established in the south, i will give all of you guys a position as indoor slaves where you can at least have air conditioning. You won't be mistreated.
It's been long 😳 overdue. I've worn 😥 out 🚶♀️ my welcome 😋 on ⬇️, and although 😛 i 😊 have struggled to impress people and try 😥 to remain within the site's 💻🚫 good graces by 🎅 effortposting here and there, 🤚🏼 it's clear to me 👩🏻 that 👉😐👏 nobody actually likes me here, 🥵 and it's also clear 😋😉 that most of you guys are yankee collaborators if not outright US nationalists. I'm sick 💊 of being constantly ridiculed and mocked and it's probably better ❗ if i just ❗ focus on writing 🤮🤑🤑🤑 my second book and trying to stabilize my life, because my 💁🏽 "comrades" sure 👍 as shit couldn't care less about any 🤣 of it. I'm 🥺 still going 🥥 to be 🐝 using 🏻 element but ❌ i 🙀 don't ❌ care about the site anymore, 😒 especially because the fucking staff 👨👩👧👦👨👩👧👧👩👩👧👩👩👦👦👨👨👦👦 can't fucking figure out 🚩🍰🆔💪🏽 that 👉 maybe instead 💁♂️ of trying to constantly engage in the sisyphean task of banning reactionaries they should have been improving the site. I put forth proposals to improve the site myself, 💀🔫 such 💦 as having 🈶 an overboard that focuses mainly on 🧐 collecting effortposts from 😤 /edu/ and /leftypol/ to reduce the theorylet problem, or having 🈶 an overboard that 😌💕🧚✨ focuses mainly on 🔛 current 💰 events, like a dedicated NewsAnon section. I 👥 don't care to flesh out these 💦🥜 ideas, i felt like i did a pretty good 👍 job explaining them ➡️😇 in a thread that nobody cared enough to archive about 2 💦😂 years ago. I understand that 💩 the jannies are understaffed but stop fucking 👀 wasting 🪞 your time 🕦 on 🔛 cleaning up pepes and maybe focus 😩 on 🔛 coding the fucking 👉😩 site idfk. Anyway goodbye guys. 👦👨 I thought maybe i'd have 😩👌 earned some respect 😱 by now but whatever. Despite 🙅 the mockery and disrespect, i promise that when Socialism is established in the south, i will 🎀 give all of you guys a position as indoor slaves where you 👉 can at least have air 💨 conditioning. You won't 🚫 be mistreated.
>>31247Buying hrt for someone with no strings attached isnt grooming though
t. Also saw the post
>>31247Damn I am MLK now
FBI manufacturing kompromat up in this biznatch
>>31265>false equivalency strawman comparing drugs used to treat or prevent disease to hormone medications that not only screw up the endocrine system, but also require a consenting adult. That photo is of a DOCTOR giving children medications they are diagnosed to NEED, while under ADULT SUPERVISION. The situations are so beyond different it's not even funny.
Even going with this retarded analogy, you do realize there is a reason that opioids cannot be freely given to under-age people, right?
>>31036I really like you shay. I wish nothing more than for you to improve your life, and I mean that extremely sincerely. Be patient. Small steps snowball into something big.
I hope I see you around, it's been amazing having met you and posted along side you all these years. I wish you the best ❤
>>31272 >Oh I got called out for being a retard? Better double-down with more retarded false equivalencies and liberal strawmen! Back to reddit.
>>31274 The point ———–→
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