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( /^ω^)/♪♪
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Appreciate everyone who has been supportive and contributive to the account <3
>>31079it doesn't matter that it was pointing it out as a bad thing, it is still amplifying a pro-Israel meme. "no such thing as bad publicity"
a media-illiterate person is a perfect fit to be managing the account.
>>31082uhh.. yes. lol
if you post child pornography and write "this is child pornography and it should be prosecuted" you're still posting/sharing child pornography.
>>31086>what you wrote wasn't in line with my narrative so I wrote something that is more agreeable to my positionnice framing.
>exposing people for being Nazis by posting evidence of them posting Nazi stuff is a pro Nazi move. You don't expose them by posting what they posted verbatim. Because there's gonna be people who will agree with the meme and think "haha what a funny and true meme", save it and then share it with other pro-Israel people.
That's like Mein Kampf being banned in a socialist state, so you post pdfs of Mein Kampf to make people aware that Mein Kampf is bad. well guess what, you gave a pdf to a bunch of nazis who wouldn't have gotten it otherwise, regardless of your intention and comments.
Intention is not more important than effect.
>>31089 (me)
relevant WKUK
>>31091I have an unending supply of jokes.
An absolute wellspring of creativity I am
While you are, you are just a bottomless pit of stupidity.
>>31093I have an unending supply of jokes.
An absolute wellspring of creativity I am
While you are, you are just a bottomless pit of stupidity.
>>31354in my opinion, you have to be a bit strategic when it comes to beefing on twitter. if you think you can poach curious followers from who you're beefing with, then go ahead. this is the intended outcome of most modern internet fights.
however, if you're beefing with some dumbass who made their account in the last 9 months, has under 100 followers, and will probably get suspended when xitter mods get off their lazy ass at 8:00 UTC, then what are we doing?
>>31069>not even hiding the patsoc radlib shitLMAO
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