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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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>Fascists shitting up every board
>Chinafags shitting up every thread
>Anarchopiggers shitting up every reply
>Class collaboration and lesser evil nationalism everywhere
>Retards who haven't even skimmed Marx 101 acting like authorities on topics
>On the other side of the table morons who uncritically uphold low-level slop text and poorly interpreted Marx like scripture
>Communism reduced to spirituality and great man worship
>Constant disguised idpol threads
>General ruin of any sign of a competent, rational left

Perscription: we need to ban all the /pol/yps, and clamp down on /bunker/fags and /GET/fugees. Maybe put up a moderated wall that prevents any IP from access unless you answer a couple long-form questions on basic Marx and Engels. Would weed out retards in a snap.

you idiot, if we do that we will onlyhave 5 users at best

As a guy who has never read the communist manifesto, I fully support this idea.

Those 5 people are gonna be the vanguard of the revolution.

>Chinafags shitting up every thread
For Communists, it is their right and duty to promote Communism and shill for Communist China ad maximum.

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

Overidentification with all of the above. The only way out is through radical openness to all ideology and each poster rejecting his/her individuality, thereby expressing the relationship between the particular form of the production system and ideology and the individual.

Our collective symbol will be the black suprematist cross, and our longevity as a board will persist by contrasting with the narcissistic cult of personality approach deployed by our main cultural colleagues: political leaders, pop stars, Twitter/X heads and YouTube streamers who serve to intensify parochialism and mass hysteria. We practice provocation on the revolted state of the alienated consciousness (which must necessarily find itself an enemy) and unite warriors and opponents into an expression of a static totalitarian scream.

We practice transgression – and use other tactical weapons and means – as much as we feel we need to in order to smoke the lurkers and onlookers out of their comfort zones and making evil losing its nerves. The truth is not static and definite, freedom even less so therefore our view, perception and understanding cannot be fixed to a final – one and only – definition as well. We're contrarian yes, but not on a daily political terms.

Any poster who can identify him/herself with the extreme position of contemporary production automatically is included (and is simultaneously condemned for his objectivism). We will not function as an answer but as a question. As the world changes, so will leftypol evolve. This dialectical evolution. And if leftypol will ever be remembered, it will be as dialectic evolutionists. And the engineers of human souls.

This fell apart when you went from talking about the spread of deranged opportunism, nationalism, and country stanning, to whining that Leftypol is actually for all leftist anticapitalist tendencies and not just a Marxfag circlejerk

Also someone please report the nazi at the "free palestine jews" trhead

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I mean, what do you expect? When we were on 8chan we had a common project to try and make an alternative to /pol/-dominated imageboards. I don't even know what the fuck we're doing anymore, just watching the news together? Feels like the plot was lost a long time ago, no surprises if things begin to tear at the seams.

We will kill all the nazis, their time is coming

>We will kill all the nazis, their time is coming
Anon, you a larper.


"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"

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Timmy malding kekw OMEGALUL


We should prolly advertise on tic tok while it's still existing. We have to open to open the board. Slowly to build a sustainable Mod base. I don't know.

Yeah because mods leave up shitty whine threads like this up on thr naim Noa r d when there is a whole ass b I ard for whining about the site.


>Chinafags shitting up every thread

Glow thread.

Also, Warhammer is a fascist toy commercial.

If I didn't notice this was a funny joke post, I would have pointed out that not only is this an inappropriate platform for the kind of reform the supposed OP wants to see, implying a user like OP should never have been made welcome in the first place, but also that their idealist prescription has no chance of being effective, and does not even attempt to fix most of the issues you pointed out. Some mods have tried half of this in the past, all it did was kill the site.

what the fuck is up with your keyboard?

My brian hurt

Based OP. Seriously, what is up with all these fascists talking about "NazBol Gang" and glowing anarchists using racist words like 'spook' and no-one else even calls them out. I can't take this site seriously anymore, I've been here for months and it's gotten worse every day.

Faggot lmao

The Infrared chat is legit quite the good discussion organized area, funny.

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>I don't even know what the fuck we're doing anymore
Growth for the sake of growth, comrade.

thanks for saving my edit


Take a ride in my dialecto-mobile

Good to see /leftypol/ has returned to the mean of 2017 and earlier.

>people i don't like existing

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>ban everyone (read: my strawman boogiemen) I don't like!
<N-no why isn't this place an echo-chamber for my idealism!? MOOOODS!
Go back to reddit. I don't even like anarchists and criticize them all the time, but I'd rather be able to argue and debate with them, and that applies to Dengists.
>put up a moderated wall that prevents any IP from access unless you answer a couple long-form questions on basic Marx and Engels.
<Gatekeeping as a physical method of preventing posting
Wow, what a legitimately cucked pseudo-intellectual proposition. Even well-versed Marxists cannot agree on interpretations of Marx and nobody has all of Marx and Engels memorized unless they're genuinely photo-memorizing autists. I've read a lot of his works and Lenin and Engels, but I couldn't name you everything he's said on every given topic. Moreover it's ironic that you whine about "muh Great Man" and "le scripture" yet essentially do that very thing by using Marx and Engels as unassailable benchmarks that determines if you can post.
Reminder: This is an anonymous Korean Nuke Stealing forum, we're not a serious organization, nor should we be, go make your own site if you want that. Slower, purely intellectual discussion is already in >>>/edu/ altboards are used for things not pertaining to politics, si/b/eria is for low-effort shitposting and /leftypol/ is the main board for general political debate of varying quality and topics.

Finally I have to wonder if this is bait, given that you're posting a WH 40K image, (loved by and often used by /pol/) and clearly self-inserting as the Space Marine fighting off Xenos in the most pathetic projection I've seen in some time.

Why not start now? Livestream it btw

10000% correct.
The worst part is mods not clamping down on Nazis like they used to. I think the site has been compromised.

<N-no why isn't this place an echo-chamber for my idealism!? MOOOODS!
That's exactly what this placed used to be lol, you are exposing yourself as new.
No we don't need another 4chan. The site is decaying in real time because of your stupid bullshit. Everyone is noticeable dumber and there's Nazis everywhere.

ALSO calling fascists "boogiemen" when there are unironic Nazis posting in almost every single thread reveals that you are acting in bad faith and probably a /pol/tard Nazi yourself.

its basically revleft the imageboard now

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Normally, I would be the last person to defend RevLeft but say what you will about Malte and TAT but at least they straight-up banned Nazis instead of letting them run around like they own the place.

Maybe the very idea of leftypol is actually outdated. When was the original leftypol founded? 10 years ago? I've joined leftypol in the 8chan era and I have the feeling, the idea of leftism is dissolving more and more with every passing year. In the beginning, there were stirnerites, tankies, anarkiddies. Then came an ideological split in the question of Rojava. Later contemporary China was considered to be leftist, Dugin became somehow an ally of leftism and antiimperialism. Then Genghis Khan was considered to be a communist and Wagner Group are based antiimperialists. Let's face it: We are at a point, where we have absolutely no common ground, what leftism constitutes. Leftism, socialism, etc. these words have on this site no meaning. I have no clue what this site is about and I don't even know if I would consider myself to be a leftist in any way. (Just for clarification, I also don't consider my self to be a rightoid). I identify myself more with /dead/ than with /leftypol/.

>That's exactly what this placed used to be
No, it was not, you're the blatant newfag you Chaya-wannabe
>o we don't need another 4chan
Strawman false-equivalency fallacy
>The site is decaying in real time because of your stupid bullshit.
No anon, the site post numbers have remained stable, you're the retard with the stupid bullshit that wants to make this a subreddit
>Everyone is noticeable dumber
<But not me, I'm totally intelligent
Get off your high-horse. The reason posts are worse isn't for the reasons you listed
>there's Nazis everywhere
No, there isn't. I and many others criticize the mods for over-moderating in areas they really don't need to, but if there's one thing they've consistently been heavy on banning is Nazi-shit. So yes, it's a boogieman and yes you're a faggot for projecting it.
>hen there are unironic Nazis posting in almost every single thread
And this is yet again proof that you're baiting. Most threads do not have anything APPROACHING right-wing takes, let alone nazi ones and any actual nazis get immense pushback from a majority of users. This is called discussion on a free forum, which allows people to form debates, arguments and to learn all while having some fun.
>ou are acting in bad faith
<U-ur /pol/!
Ah yes, the hysterical child's go-to argument on a forum, if someone disagrees with you, they're [insert bad person]
I'm just cognizant that you're a concern trolling radlib; reminder liberals get the wall too.

>The worst part is mods not clamping down on Nazis like they used to. I think the site has been compromised
Leftychin wreckers go back

>We are at a point, where we have absolutely no common ground, what leftism constitutes.
Good, lol

Your point falls apart when you retardedly chose to go after anarchists as well, as if this board is only meant for Marxists and Stalinists fucking each other in the butt till they knock out

follow your leaders nazi chinlets

>Maybe put up a moderated wall that prevents any IP from access unless you answer a couple long-form questions on basic Marx and Engels.

terrible idea but it would be very funny to see the clusterfuck of trying to implement this

Unique IPs: 25

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