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>It's not funny
I don't believe this because I always found it funny, even when it's done at the expense of me or other leftists. Is the reason that the jannies truly hate soyjaks because of the fact that, at some subconscious level, they fear that they truly are soyjaks?

Let me elaborate, I know I might sound chinletdy here but bear with me. By this I don't mean the mods fear that they are literally the superficial pathetic, open-mouthed caricatures that characterize the myopia of right wing aesthetic "critique". Rather, I mean that I wonder whether the jannies have banned soyjak because they harbor a deep-seated internal fear that they might be the fabled half-man of outward meekness that harbors internal monstrosities; A being who believes they are good, and takes keen effort in ensuring the world sees them as good, but at a base level can be reduced to the horrors of his or her unrestrained libidinal desire. Moreover, I wonder if the soyjak gets to them because the stupidity of the average right winger that dabbles in soy-art is an impenetrable fortress, so much so that it makes critique of their artwork a psychic nightmare and an internal crisis that emerges from an inability to reconcile with the artwork's irreconcilability.

Finally, I wonder if jannies dislike the soyjak because of an unintended critique laden in soy-art, which generates, within both the right-wing creators and left-wing deriders, a fear of being castrated or of being considered among the castrated. Considering this board is majority-male, I would not hesitate to say that there is a high possibility our jannies might be among the many here who carry a neurotic fear of emasculation.

>It's shitty art

In the same way cave paintings are maybe. As a mark of human existence, soybooru is a treasure of paranoid desire and far more reflective of a universal loop of hate-agony that found a unique expression in the mind of the rightoid: Perhaps our era's version of "futurism". From my understanding, no left wing visual art project, to date, has produced the heights of brutal ecstasy and real-world affect as found in the violence-spurring hyperstitious effect of soyjaks.

I say with great sorrow that it was the soyjaks who had a part in producing Tarrant, and it was the soyjaks who had a part in producing his several copycats. One of my morbid fascinations is reading the manifestos of these putrid psychopaths is that they make use of a dialect of imageboard-speak that sprung from the minds of the soyteens. While this statement itself may be taken as an argument against soyjaks, I think that it is the restrictive reaction against soyjaks by the left that has a part to play in their psychological effectiveness.

To taboo-ify soyjaks, and to deem them symbols of the right, or to ban them under the dishonest pretense of them not being funny, you let them win. You let them empower the creatures with violence, and draw from them when they smash through the glass wall of reality and enter into the night as callous murderers steeped in the hatred of their mutilated aesthetic.

The solution, in my eyes, is to water the soyjak down, to reduce it, to make it superfluous, and to universalize it. As long as we remain bitterly opposed to being depicted as ugly, bald emasculates, then it will remain the punching bag of an enemy who believes our rejection (and perhaps correctly) is a sign that we are, indeed, soyjaks.

I for one see no reason why the ugly, bald emasculate should be reviled and the hostility towards it, or of being depicted it, seems to me the sign of our social backwardness. In our societies rife with violence and hatred, the only solution other than communism itself, is the arrival of this new type of man, this meek, sensitive and intelligent type of man, who does not concern himself with the needlessly serious vanities chased by the right, doomed to be reduced to dust, but with joyful frivolities and the development of his inner self, knowing full well our time here on earth is short, and there is nothing to do but love and be loved.

I'd like to hear your ridicule, but especially your most sincere thoughts, if you have any.


1. don't generalize
2. if you notice it does get under the skin of a lot of lurkers here, post it more.


ill say it. i actually like this thread. bump


Because it’s funnier when it gets banned and you have people like OP write a book whining about why it shouldn’t be.


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If you can point to one sentence from my screed that seems like whining I'd love to be made aware of it. That certainly wasn't my intention.

I actually quite enjoy writing essays about art, it's my hobby and passion, so this little bunch of thoughts came to me quite naturally. None of what I said is really funny though, even ironically or from a detached perspective, so I'm once again forced to ask the same questions I raised in the OP.


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The whole thing is whining.


I don't think you read it or understood it. I don't want to be mean, but that meme is also really bad. If you can't shitpost in the first place, not having a sense of humor, you should not be critiquing "easy mode" shitposting with some half a decade old meme format.

Btw, "words words words" critiques from leftists are pathetic, not aggravating, like those from right wingers because you should know better than to be so ridiculously and basally dismissive. Do better comrade :).


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The point is that it’s bad, yes


I look like that soyjak and indeed I also say whatever he says, as per the prescription of my OP, and I am not ashamed.

>The point is that it's bad

cope, seethe etc.


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> I look like that soyjak and indeed I also say whatever he says, as per the prescription of my OP, and I am not ashamed.
<The point is that it's bad
>cope, seethe etc.


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soijaks have their place


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I approve of this thread. It is amusing.


Its lazy and demonstrably lowers the post quality the more encouraged it is
See /v/ to /qa/ to sharty


- We get raided a lot from sites whose entire palette of memes is wojak variants, doge, and Pepe.
- Making people have to think of a different image to use, or at least make OC that happens to include them, means people think a bit more about the post they're making overall.
- The inherent hostility of soys. Like they're meant to be a mean spirited caricature of the implied-to-be depicted. When that's allowed then it gets used instead of any meaningful discussion.
- Dehydratedjak is just a bandwidth inefficient sad emoji. Fucks up the vibes. If you're gonna vent at least be creative about it.

Soys are a cognitohazard by giving people the ability to just shut their brain off and spam emotes instead of articulating their thoughts they're so confident in. They put the user in a constant "guess who's on the other end of the screen" mode that fuels any reactionism they might still be holding onto.

They aren't even memes really, the CIA pushed them to have higher SEO so people would use them instead of memes. It doesn't matter if you find them funny, they persist for factors unrelated to if they're funny or not.


> the CIA pushed them to have higher SEO so people would use them instead of memes.
Whhhaaat, really?


yes, really. CIA also in my pants.


CIA shat* in my pants
god dammit

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