I believe the LGBT general should be on the main board, just perhaps without the suggestive OPs. My thoughts are such: I understand why the thread is on siberia, since it avoids the idpol discussion and puts us away from the worst of the homophobes. But this just feels like LGBT people have been quitely hidden away as to not cause drama with the anti-idpol crowd. It's a bit like someone who won't go out with their trans partner or mention the relationship to anyone because they don't want to worry about being stigmatised. There are also a lot of users who do not frequently go on siberia, so having the thread here means it isn't representing all of the queer people using the website, which is what it should be doing. There are at least as many, and almost certainly more, LGBT people who rebound away from the website because of the lack of totally clear representation as there would be socially conservative people who would shake their heads and leave because of it. Lastly, and I understand that this is just my own ideological perspective, and I even sympathis with the anti-idpol stance, but I think that minorities such as LGBT+ people should be targeted for socialist mobilization due to their marginalised positions, and we especially need proletarian queer spaces in order to achieve this. Even if it will cause trouble with a certain crowd, it is only fair to have the LGBT general on the main board.
Thanks for reading. If I could just add an adendum, I'd also like to say that there is a lot of casual misogyny across the website (I am not talking about the virgin threads). It infects people's normal speech. I know I'm sounding slightly like a dreaded SJW, but the subtle and totally unconscious misogyny is very grating. A more obvious part of it are words like 'roastie', but it is almost always much quieter than that. I'm unsure about a solution applicable to this website. Certainly, liberalism has no answer. The only real way is total revolution in society to eradicate unconscious patriarchy. If we really want to go beyond identity politics, we need total egality, and this sort of language and, more dangerously I fear, way of thinking, is not conducive to such egality. I don't like complaining about a problem and not having a solution, but I'm poasting anyway so there you go.
>>31347>…so having the thread here means it isn't representing all of the queer people using the website, which is what it should be doing.Why should we represent any ideological group though, this is analogical to nationalism, wherein both of the parties upholds an abstract ideal as an absolute, and gives everything in conformity to it.
If your object of affection is 'same sex' as you, then, realize the upcoming stages of the union of love together, but, why does an another person who also is attached to someone who is same sex as him/her should share this abstract group with you, and feel a need to be 'represented', isn't the authentic bond you may call 'love' is special to an one object, then why other 'people' should represent it than its singularity and essence?
I don't think I'll push this any further because it seems there is no demand for it.
>>31348LGBT issues are always political.
>>31349Thanks, I'll wait and see if anybody wants it to be on /leftypol/ though before creating the thread rather than making it just for me.
>>31350Nationalism is not just an abstract idea. It is a real material thing we have to contend with. LGBT is the same.
>>31347Do not do any of this. This poster is new and retarded.
If you want to improve the queer gen, nuke the drive-by cishet posters who shit up the thread with their petty anxieties. Also, stop banning critical queer posters.
For the record: OP asked in the LGBT general and the response was completely negative.
>>31554Other posters and myself already told you why this is a bad idea. Go find another website that caters to what you want.
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