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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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>(Low Effort B8)
How is this a bait? I live in global south and this is an issue that concerns me. Do jannies think I moved to Iraq just to troll them le epically? I kept engaging with the thread trying to make something out of it >>>/leftypol/1817055 granted most of the replies I got were reddit-tier strawmans and misrepresentations.
The idiot who put that there can easily check my IP. What absolute shithole this place is.
Will the next leftist from a shithole like mine be filtered for being critical of any capitalist/reactionary power that isn't shitmerica? No wonder you can count the anons from the global south with your fingers.

Yes of course, you’re an innocent Aryan citizen of thirdworldistan ruthlessly oppressed by your authoritarian government and your country yearns for freedom, we’ve heard it all before

As a compromise, instead of having it saged, I merged this thread to >>>/leftypol/296564

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there was no reason to sage it in the first place we were having a discussion, we might have reversed the NPC programing of the board by the end if it weren't for your bad faith actions
thanks for nothing

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what makes you think i saged the thread?
calm down

I did, however, banned you for 12 hours for trying to stir shit up in the China thread with very run of the mill sectarian schizophrenia about Dengoids. For someone trying to foster "civil discussion", making formulaic chucklefuck incendiary shitposts like that isn't exactly the way to go. You should know better than that if you claim to be someone in good faith.

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Because the board is ran by opportunist retards and red nationalists, they can't actually stake their claim as """"communists"""", so they literally need to silence criticisms of Dengist China, the Iranian Theocracy, and Russian Capitalism; they're downright shameless cowards that have to resort to empty schizophrenic accusations, childish thought terminating circlejerks/cliches, hysterical and cynical moralism, and of course outright silencing opposition in order to try and fail to disguise the nationalist shillcraft that has undone any hope this board had at ever being a general socialist board. Sadly it's not better on the dead .net site, Leftypol remains a failed experiment by now, like so many projects MLs got their grip on. Sadly this was a predictable outcome the second Old BO started banning people for not shilling for fucking Assad over the only actual communists in the Syrian Civil War.

The transition to regular nationalist capitalism and militarism is am extremely predictable outcome for the forums and projects MLs take over under the facade of "Left Unity", just as all the ML states ultimately embraced capitalism/liberalization and/or rejected Marxism itself over the long term trajectory.

We need an anarchist re-imagining of this pathetic failed board, in the end Left Unity always warps into a microcosm of the ML police-state which itself devolves to the gratification of the shallow egos and self-righteousness of the mods.

no data, no news, no studies = no right to speak

Leftypol doesn't have any news reports about it you retarded fag
Or are you shitting out the tired
>Leftypol actually represents socialism!
Meme you morons shit out consistently?
Or are you literally denying the historical events of the 80s and 90s? It wouldn't shock me for a modern ML to flagrantly deny reality, it seems to be their main tendency ever since it emerged as a farcical online reenactment of an old radical movement after the early 2010s protest movement was smashed.

Or are you going the extra retarded LARPer mile of outright denying Iran is an Islamic Theocracy by its own mission statement, that Russia is a neoliberal capitalist shithole, and China is presently just capitalism with Chinese characteristics?

Typical modern ML reality denial.

It's actually nice to see MLoids increasingly prove they never had anything of value to say

Reeks of a movement that's even dying in the online space its confined to. Soon this farcical attempt to be a radical by shilling for capitalists will finish off devouring itself and the cycle can restart once again.

How many spaces do you creeps have left? They're all eating themselves.

go be an ultra on reddit, they love it there and ban evil tankies

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>MLoids increasingly prove they never had anything of value to say
Why would anyone bother giving your bad faith garbage a proper reply. NTA BTW.

can we start actually banning on sight the fucks crying about multipolarity and name calling ML as reactionary in every random thread

>basic marxism is now bait
ive got banned for similar things before too lol the staff is too busy sharing epic leftist memes, they dont read

I support

multipolarity has nothing to do with communism, its like liberals crying about monopolies but applied to geopolitics lmfao

on an ironic note third worldists are correct that a huge part of western 'proletarians' arent actually proletarians at all, that communism is not in their interests and needs. but instead of finding the root cause of this problem they lay it on retarded rubbish like 'superprofits' or 'unequal exchange' or 'bribes' and hence end up denying any white proletariat existing in the west at all, becoming in this manner agents for the bourgeois classes of other countries

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>t.LARPing contrarian pretending to be communist
You lot got a comprehensive response regarding multipolarity, idealism and actual reality and the only response from you supposed "principled communists" was snide strawmen that ignored the entire argument, yet you have the gall to complain about unintelligent responses and mockery prior… the fact is, you're jokes; you claim to want actual discussion and call dismissive responses cope because people aren't engaging your bad-faith arguments, but when someone brings up important points or dismantles your arguments, you refuse to engage and just deflect with broad accusations. Yes alot of first-worldists are not real communists, but you lot aren't much better.

TL;DR: Pot, meet Kettle.

>multipolarity is like liberals crying about monopolies but applied to geopolitics lmfao
kek that's savage

>a huge part of western 'proletarians' arent actually proletarians at all
I take issue with vague statements like this, how much is "huge part"? Are we talking significant minority, or are you claiming majority of western workers do not count as proles?

Not all third -worldists are communists… but all Communists are third-worldists

western third worldists treat third worlders the way radlibs treat black americans, so it's no surprise

Eurocentric delusions

Basically same shit again >>32961

russian saboteur

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