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File: 1712962263805.mp4 (950.75 KB, 720x1282, A little slow tonight.mp4)


<IPs last hour 33
I feel like this site has been dying over the last few weeks


Here let me add 14 more for ya


I'll be here a bit more, I love this place though it's slow


All me btw.


I'm glad the mods are finally starting to take action. I always say there are too many posters I don't like.


Maybe you should run a blog then so you won't have to engage with other people


Nothing is happening rn.
When something eventually happens, then we will have more posters
Another day, another cope and seethe "Leftypol is falling" thread


it's like people have their own lifes outside of the internet or something, right?




The only thing that will fall is the Zionist entity


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True intellectuals don't leave their room for any other reason than using the toilet


and all capitalist classes




>not having a chamber pot that you empty out your window


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>having window
>potential sunlight




It's literally happening rn

>tfw Shay left


Good, the last thing the universe needs is a CSA simp.


<damn this website kinda dead :/
>iran strikes back at israel for killing a general
>muh numbers when


That thread is just /pol/-tier "its le happening" morons.


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Barely a few hundread users active at a time. Probably a thousand max taking into account the VPN switching. I'd like to imagine this is what we're like (picrel is a crowd of a thousand), still feels dwarfing compared to 4chan numbers.
Gotta wonder if theres any hope to grow or if this will just remain to be a small counterculture to die out in time. Its been nice, but its barely accomplished anything. We don't even have a wikipedia page and no media coverage or freakouts.


Imageboards are just like that, they're not like fbi.gov servers they stick around even if they don't meet an activity quota.


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Yea it's slow around this time again


It's so fucking slow and boring right now


>I need constant dopamine and never post in threads where posts need more that 10 seconds thought
Make an effortpost that takes time to construct.



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We reached a new record


This board created the its over chinletjack meme. That's gotta count for something


“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”
― Vladimir Ilyich Lenin


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All me btw.


>We reached a new record


I will suggest Leftypol to my friends, maybe they like this place.


The real numbers are much higher. Only posters get registered in the IP counters, while the majority of the traffic is read only


literal cope. pretending those numbers aren't even correlated is funny


>the majority of the traffic is read only
that's worse. that means most visitors don't find anything to engage with and leave.


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That's because I say everything there is to be said and nothing need be added. Add an updoot system so the lurkers can participate.


I like to workshop my responses on paper first, that may I can draw up flowcharts and stuff to make sure my reasoning is sound.


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Literally got nothing else to do except browse leftypol and this is how inactive it is


the site does feel like it has been slower, even in spite of recent happenings.

I remember 2021 being a lot faster (don't remember if that was still when we were at bunkerchan) and 2020 was crazy fast compared to now. It feels like we never recovered from the last split. There are a few posters that are clearly recognizable on /siberia/ despite anonymity so I'm convinced there's at most like 50 active posters on /leftypol/ proper and maybe like 30 on /siberia/ and literally none at all on any other board

which sucks because this is (from a technical and posting standpoint) a great site, I cannot stand posting on other imageboards (4chan especially) due to how much freer this place feels. Hiroshimoot and his mod team really fucked with a lot of the posting experience on 4chan for the worse, I feel like the mod team here invested heavily in making this place easy to use in the early days of the leftypol domain

i think leftist spaces online are doomed to failure anyway, there's just something about the ideology that doesn't really lend itself to online culture the way right wing shit does


>50 active poster
what fucking definition are you using, making a single post a day?


>i think leftist spaces online are doomed to failure anyway, there's just something about the ideology that doesn't really lend itself to online culture the way right wing shit does
also this is gigacope, the imageboard board itself is a dying format


>i think leftist spaces online are doomed to failure anyway, there's just something about the ideology that doesn't really lend itself to online culture the way right wing shit does
Sometimes I get why countries like China are wary about the internet and heavily stick to their own in-house platforms, even as a ML I disagree with the censorship they might be doing, but at this point is it really unjustified? The internet kinda sucks nowadays for people like us and that's also a huge detriment because rightists have been successful at making it into a propaganda machine.


>shitposting on the internet > material economic reality
why is everyone here like this constantly


Ctulhu sleeps


Find a single "non-politically" focused site that's not filled to the brim with liberals/fascists, the number of leftist sites are in single digit numbers or too irrelevant while rightist sites have just continued on with some mild relevance. I really hate to be pessimistic, but leftism is probably dying/dead on the internet and with this site it's exacerbated due to imageboards dying aswell. Anyone that has a brain focuses on reality, but the internet could've been a useful tool for us.


I think the worst blunder in this site's history was when oldBO suddenly took the board too seriously and handed out bans left-and-right to everyone who didn't share their special snowflake ideology, putting an end to the early era where a good chunk of the userbase had diverse ideologies and - more importantly - wore ideology flags. Using flags in that way was both a great way to stimulate ideological discussion and provide context for a given post, and also a novel way of using imageboards in-general (more anonymous than thread IDs, tripcodes, or nationality flags, but still with a single public identifying mark.) That could've been our unique selling point, but once it was kneecapped flags have become an essentially vestigial feature, a way for one or two users to tripflag.

It lead to and meshed perfectly with "made by x gang" - if you want to understand the depths of the board's failure to meet its potential, look at the popularity of that meme and then cross compare it with the popularity of the board itself. /leftypol/ was once culturally relevant in a certain segment of the internet and culturally vital on its own board, and this could have - and for a period did - lead to a positive feedback loop of relevance bringing in more people, which lead to more OC, which in turn lead to more relevance. Now it's done, now you can forget making an image macro - I'd barely think it was worth making this post if I wasn't in love with the sound of my own voice.
yes, yes, being on 8chan helped a lot because it brought in /pol/, but "made by X gang" clearly worked better in the context of /leftypol/-to-/leftypol/ posting, rather than /pol/-rading-leftypol

While the right has some overall structural advantages (it's much easier to use rightism to justify base selfishness, cruelty, etc, leftism is handicapped by a certain sincere belief in bettering life for all) you should keep in mind that it's also simply astroturfed. 4chan is mainly administered by RapeApe, who gets paid $4,000 and is on the record as pushing /pol/ shit.

The imageboard is only a dying format because its yoked to 4chan and -chan culture in general, in particular, because of the insular ideological belief in not bringing in new people. "Waah, Imageboards are dying" is cope for failure to keep one alive, like a doctor going "Ah, well everyone has their time to go…" because they fucked up and killed a child.

The internet is absolutely full of people who posture as left, with the average Twitter leftist probably no more fradulent than the average /leftypol/ leftist by which I mean you're both poseurs, yes. The internet is a fairly useless tool for actual organising, but "left-wing discussion board for entertainment purposes" is a trivial ask. Leftism has a big advantage over liberalism in the current sphere: Liberalism must pretend to be serious and realistic, to be the "adult in the room", leftism allows you to show off that you care about others while still having fun by grabbing some lib's post and telling them Stalin would've had them all shot. It lets you play culture wars without being fucking boring (liberals) or fucking lame (rightists), with an added little bonus of letting you be as intellectual or anti-intellectual as you like.


Great post.
>Liberalism must pretend to be serious and realistic, to be the "adult in the room", leftism allows you to show off that you care about others while still having fun by grabbing some lib's post and telling them Stalin would've had them all shot. It lets you play culture wars without being fucking boring (liberals) or fucking lame (rightists), with an added little bonus of letting you be as intellectual or anti-intellectual as you like.
It might not be noticeable to a lot of us, but the majority of people are apolitical, whether it's on the internet or in real life most recognize that liberals and other rightists are usually quite incoherent and artificial in their thoughts, a leftist can have a lot of fun and thoughtful conversations with others thanks to this fact as our worldviews are closer to humanity's in general. Even when we have to spend time with an open liberal/rightist, as long as they are more moderate you can usually choose and agree on atleast one thing with them and discuss something, perhaps poke fun at each other and the like, it kind of makes one feel like a centrist despite being a commie, quite ironic.


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I wish /AKM/ was more active
4chin's /k/ board sucks ass
No threads on cool uniforms, camo and patches and army surplus…


>the insular ideological belief in not bringing in new people
its cute you believe imageboards invented this


you call others liberals and your beliefs are rooted in bullshit notions like "injustices" lol


also wtf is this shit lmao
>our worldviews are closer to humanity's in general

Unique IPs: 28

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