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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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Hi i just found this site and im new to imageboards overall, too. I just have a few questions

1. How many anarchists are there? And which type of anarchists are typical? Like, what is the ratio between statist and libertarian left here?

2. Why Tor users are not allowed to post? You even have an .onion site, no? How people post there? Tor is required to access those links

3. How are genocides committed by the left (Hol0domor, Great Leap Forward, 1956 Hungary, under russian civil war, etc…) viewed here? Are they denied, or did they deserve it, or it was a necassary evil, or it was an unnecessary bloodshed and they were mostly innocent? (Gotta be honest, i belive in the last)


No to all


Doesn't matter. Think of the days wherein you'll be rotting your brain here with other anons, and hopefully start reading more books as you enter into more discourses little leftie ^ ^



Wdym by no? I didn't ask any yes/no question. Please elaborate


The community is veeery diverse with lots of weird opinions. Don't come here, if you are looking for an anarchist circle jerk. But if you enjoy endless discussion and shitflinging, welcome to leftypol.

And yes, as far as I know you can use Tor. People who use Tor post under the name Glownonymous.


>genocides committed by the left
no such thing



You are either implying authoritian communists are not leftists or you are denying facts



It returned me an error message and didn't post my thread when i first tried it. Maybe because I'm using a very strict configuration in Tor


not a genocide
>Great Leap Forward
not a denocide
>1956 Hungary
not a genocide
>russian civil war
not a genocide
please read the 1948 UN Genocide Convention before you spout more nonsense


>How are genocides committed by the left (Hol0domor, Great Leap Forward, 1956 Hungary, under russian civil war, etc…) viewed here?
uygha kill yourself (or read a fucking book for once)


Also I suggest not using a name nor filling the Subject form when posting a reply. Just the flag is fine if you want to identify your posts


Try the fediverse


1. it varies, and most people here are pretty unserious about their tendency anyway. you have a lot of "MLs" who think communism is when you side against the US/NATO
2. Tor use gets turned on and off depending on if spammers are using it at the time
3. learn what "genocide" means before labeling any mass casualty event a genocide


1956 is not up for debate. People were justified to rise up against an authoritian system. Most of the rebels were actually leftists themselves, in-party opposition in MKP. After the soviet intrevention, Kádár got the order for brutal retribution, and he did it just like that.

Also, if provoked famines aren't genocide, then Stalin and Lenin cleaning up in the Party, and gulags are clearly genocide. They basically eradicated everyone who had any, even the slightest disagreement with them. That's clearly genocide and I don't think it should be an example for the modern left. Rather something we should make sure never happen again. Best thing to do that, achiving socialism without leaders. In my opinion at least.



My first day here and already getting death threats? Kinda crazy, i didn't thought this site to be such toxic. Im already in other leftist spaces, they are nice, even though we disagree in ideology but no death threats or any threats at all. When talking about opinions, it is important to maintain a civilized debate


>When talking about opinions, it is important to maintain a civilized debate

This is the most edgiest thing I've ever read on this site! Very based, impolite bullies are seething right now!


>That's clearly genocide
no it isn't. read the genocide convention
>I don't think it should be an example for the modern left
that's not the point, retard. the point is that calling these things genocides plays into the hands of hitlerites who literally thought the evil soviets were going to wipe out the german nation
open a book, please


>provoked famines
I guess murder-suicide committed by kulaks and other reactionary elements of the peasantry who burned their crops and refused to plant seed are to be laid at the feet of the soviet leadership, as are failures in planning caused by false production statistics reported by kosior to gosplan


>provoked famines

That is not the standart academia version of history. There was a famine, but the claims it was man made to starve the people is completely absurd. Where is your sources for that claim? Not an ml btw


their source, if any, is likely Conquest, who literally funded by reactionaries


who was*


>1956 is not up for debate
You really are new, no most of them were not leftists. The 1956 uprising was mostly literal Nationalists and bourgs (including an ex-Nazi collaborator) and some revisionist leftists swayed by liberalism, they literally began lynching communists and hanging them in the street, prompting the appropriate response of the government cracking down on these counter-revolutionaries. The USSR isolated The Capital to prevent the fighting from spreading out, but did not take significant parts of the fighting.
>People were justified to rise up against an authoritian system
Porky counter-revolutionary action is not "rising up" any more than the Nazis were 'rising up' in 1933. It was a literal reactionary revolt. See pdf 2
>f provoked famines aren't genocid
Didn't happen. the 1922 Volga famine impacted all of Eurasia, including Germany, Poland and China, not just the USSR and it was the result of WW1's destruction. Most of the photos used for "le holodomor" are from Germany and Russia during the 1922 famine. The 1932 famine was caused by a combination of drought and other problems resulting in crop production being reduced. Stalin immediately sent aid to the most impacted areas. Most deaths were caused by epidemics of diseases that did not have cures at the time, rather than starvation. The number of deaths is exaggerated and even Solzhenitsyn and Robert Conquest, the most rabid anti-communists of their time, stated that the 1932 famine was NOT a genocide.
Read a book, for example pdf 1 related
>gulags are clearly genocide
LMAO prisons are not genocide dumbass.
>They basically eradicated everyone who had any, even the slightest disagreement
False, a literal Black Book of Communist narrative that even the CIA did not agree with, see pic 2
>That's clearly genocide
That's not what a genocide means. Genocide isn't the same thing as "a lot of people died" anon
>achiving socialism without leaders
<What is a Vanguard
Read State and Revolution

Anon, it's an imageboard called leftypol it's casual banter, relax and lurk.


Calling Stalin's purges bad or stupid is one thing, but calling political repressions like that "genocide" is essentially equivocating politics with culture or worse race, which is completely fucking insane.


Hi Fella! Nice to see another anti-authoritarian in this sub! I too am totally a socialist just like you! DAE think the teenage tankies here need to check their white privilege? My favorite socialists are Elizabeth Warren and AOC. Not that White cis male Bernie Sanders that made Hillary lose 2016 because the #BernieBros were BIGOTS that didn't want a WOMAN in the White House. As a Fellow Socialist, I think that China is a fascist country that is worse than the USA in every single way. We should unite with other True Socialists to bring down the ChiNazi Empire! We need to unite with NATO to defend our democracy against the Ultra-Right, led by Vladimort Putler with his loyal KGB asset Donald Dump at his side to overthrow the liberal world order and end the New Peace that has brought prosperity to the entire world. Drumph is going to dissolve NATO, help Putin against Ukraine, sell Taiwan to the CCP (ChiNazi Capitalist Party) and let Hamas and Iran take over Israel and drive the Jews into the sea. Slava Ukraini! Tienamen 1989! Free Hong Kong! Free East Turkestan! Juan Guaido is President of Venezuela!


this. criticize Stalin all you like (it's not like MLs don't), but when you don't know what the word genocide means, when you rob it of its meaning, then you are making things easier for the Hitlerites. even liberal historians think this, though mostly ones involved in Holocaust research. some liberals get mad when you point out that genocide requires intent, and also that liquidating a class isn't genocide


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>My first day here and already getting death threats?
For starters, I didn't threaten you. If I did, I'd say something like "uygha I'm gonna fucking kill you", which I guess I should've. Second, obviously I'm not being serious you dumdum, we have a culture of jokingly being cartoonishingly aggressive over the pettiest thinga (the read a book part wasn't a joke however). If you're gonna stick around, get used to it (just don't go around making rape threats and shit, that'll get you banned most likely)


idk why OP is not responding anymore lol, he probably already left



Don't tell me fake history about my own country lol. Majority of 1956 rebels weren't nazis. Does Nagy Imre mean anything to you? He was the political base of the opposition and socialist by blood. I know this better. Sure, there were nazis, but they had no real political base and they weren't the majority.

Stalin ordered the lockdown of villages to perform the collectivization and his priority was to collectivize and je didn't care much about the famine, it was a necessary evil for him.

As an anarchist, i won't read ML/stalinist-maoist larp


>Stalin ordered the lockdown of villages
did he now? how many, and when, and in what context?
>it was a necessary evil for him
if you actually read about how the Soviet economy actually worked, for example the works of Michael Ellman, then you'd know how ridiculous this nonsense is
>As an anarchist, i won't read


Mods spoiler images if its too graphic in your opinion

>reddit spacing
>fake history
<my own country
Imagine actually believing the mainstream narrative your capitalist government permits to be taught. By that metric I definitely know more than you, since I actually knew a communist who took part in the fighting and told me of what happened.
>Majority of 1956 rebels weren't nazis
That's not what I said, retard. I stated bourgeoise and NATIONALISTS. Nationalism is a component of Nazism, but it is not the same thing. The only mention of Nazism was the fact that Nazi collaborator Béla Király was among the leadership. Read the filename for pic 1 and 2 related. These supposed leftists in opposition killed Communist members, attacked their wives, raping some. They desecrated memorials to the soldiers that liberated the country from Nazi oppression and collaborated with US Marines and Britain's MI6, with 'comrades' like those, you don't need enemies.
>Does Nagy Imre
a spineless Western puppet
>socialist by blood
People aren't socialist by blood, moron.
>they had no real political base and they weren't the majority.
Sure lol
>As an anarchist, i won't read ML/stalinist-maoist larp
<Translation: I'll close my eyes like a child and ignore historical facts because I'm an ideologue
<everything I don't like is le statist LARP!
Purge yourself of idealism
>Stalin ordered the lockdown of villages
No such thing. The only vaguely similar action was the quarantine of villages that had disease epidemics.
>perform the collectivization and his priority was to collectivize and je didn't care much about the famine
There's literally documents stating the EXACT opposite. He literally imported grain from Persia specifically to counter-act the famine. If you're too lazy to read a book, read this: https://www.quora.com/Was-Holodomor-a-Genocide-or-a-crime-against-humanity/answer/Chuck-Garen


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NTA but here's Mark Tauger taking Anne Applebaum to task: https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/169438
specifically regarding OP's lockdown nonsense:
>(2) Applebaum describes the blacklisting policy, which denied a kolkhoz or village access to trade, forced them to pay debts early, and sometimes seized other possessions, as a main cause of the famine. Yet her own sources show that in December, at the peak of the campaign, only some 400 kolkhozy were blacklisted, out of 23,270 kolkhozy in Ukraine.27 Her sources agree that blacklisting could not and did not stop trade.28 The Ukrainian government also removed villages from the blacklist if they met most of the procurement quota.29 Applebaum never mentions these points. Based on this evidence, it is difficult to accept Applebaum’s claims that blacklisting was a major cause of famine mortality.


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read the faq mate, and lurk a bit before asking dumb questions like me. if you did a bit more (or literally any) work, youd see theres a fucking anargeneral in /leftypol/ https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/1541067.html
viva trotsky


> very strict configuration in To
that fucks up literally everything, it literally tells you most shit wont work if you use it, 4chan doesnt even work if you use it


Opinion discarded.


> Tor users are not allowed to post
Not via the Tor exit nodes. If you wanna use tor, use the onion link
> How are genocides committed by the left (Hol0domor, Great Leap Forward, 1956 Hungary, under russian civil war, etc…) viewed here? Are they denied, or did they deserve it, or it was a necassary evil, or it was an unnecessary bloodshed and they were mostly innocent?
Depends who's asking.


> People who use Tor post under the name Glownonymous
I implemented this setting for a while now amd I still find this misconception.
You absolutely can use custom names from tor, they will just have "Glowing" added to them as a prefix


Well reproduction steps would be useful. Which error was it?


Welcome to image boards lol.
The praxis for that is to return the favour


A braindead terminally online larper sitting in his parents' basement somewhere in bumfuck nowhere sending you death threats means nothing.


But yeah, one of the reasons people come here is because they find other places too hug-boxy

> Stalin ordered the lockdown of villages to perform the collectivization and his priority was to collectivize and je didn't care much about the famine, it was a necessary evil for him.
News to my ears. Source? The only thing that I recall being similar to this claim is the village blacklisting, which was applied to a minority of a minority (ie functionally a rounding error) https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/review-of-anne-applebaums-red-famine-stalins-war-o

> As an anarchist, i won't read ML/stalinist-maoist larp



>I implemented this setting for a while now amd I still find this misconception.
How about, instead of tagging a random set of users, you automatically tag mod posts? Autoname them to 'Based [$name]' or whatever, I don't care. That would be far more insightful and helpful to the community, especially when most mods are too lazy or neglectful to capcode.


One of the main features of images boards is anononymity.
Also the system doesn't know who is a mod if they don't login.


>One of the main features of images boards is anononymity.
Yes, but the staff has already decided the site don't care about that lol.
>Also the system doesn't know who is a mod if they don't login.
And that's fine.


>literally posting with bauldrillard in the photo to show how polballs are stupid bullshit (like anarchism lmao)
show me youre a poser without saying it


so you literally want mods to mod tag any post they made even when not related to mod matters? I'm sure the users would love that.


Yes it's a stupid suggestion.
>mods should attention-whore outside of /meta/
No thanks!


Ideally mods would be actual members of the community they moderate and make normal posts without any identification or while logged in as a mod. That way they're not getting into arguments with people who are supposed to be anonymous and making replies to try to continue those arguments in other unrelated threads. For a purely hypothetical example.

Unique IPs: 18

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