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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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File: 1714249903900.png (10.36 KB, 513x71, ClipboardImage.png)


Why the fuck was the nsfw art request thread deleted?

Did comet get hacked or something?

Legitimately what the fuck?

Based mods, hopefully Trump will ban all porn in America (and by extension in the whole world)

File: 1714305990292.png (Spoiler Image,5.25 KB, 243x250, Oekaki.png)

don't worry, here is a clear picture to show what kind of art is acceptable

He self reported and asked to have it deleted. I obliged.

tbh I think that shouldn't be done with established threads though but eh

well the delete function exists, they just forgot the password

You can't delete your own OPs.

Shit, is there any way to temporarily recover the thread? Or at least the posts of other anons in that thread? That way people could repost the requests in the regular /draw/ request thread?

>Or at least the posts of other anons in that thread?
Would be nice if the Azov-chan archive links and reference images can be recovered. Can't be bothered to look for them again.

Unique IPs: 8

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