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Jannies persecuting TOR users for personal reasons again.
The claim to turn it off this time is so called 'low quality posting from the onion' despite the facts that most tor posting is simply various anons posting news in the Palestine threads and that most tor posts are better than your average clearnet post.
Attached are the top 3 threads in /leftypol/. This is clear evidence removing the .onion has nothing to do with 'post quality', with all of the tor posts being better quality than these 3 threads, and is personally about jannies feelings.



I take it that you haven't seen the thread sliding TOR spammer?


The tor spammer literally nuked the /prc/ thread. hundreds of posts got deleted. The "Turn off " of the tor Is only temporarily, until the situation gets resolved.


Wow if only there were some way to not let spammers delete hundreds of posts in threads


Oh my god I don't care

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