>>33005the idea of finding and reading an entire book on (say) pensions ought to be boring, boring, boring compared to discussing it freely on an imageboard where people come at the issue with a variety of perspectives and argue their case while allowing you to ask questions or throw out practical counterexamples.
ought to be. you're accidentally right that it'd be better because reading a nautical almanac from 1975 cover to cover would be more novel and educational than anything you'll find here. (maybe a sailor will have annotated it on a past trip! oh, what excitement!) that is this site's failure.
i don't blame the admins, here's my theory: the people who like novelty have fucked off, leaving behind the people who're content with constant re-runs of the same basic nonsense. when you offer them novelty, they get confused, exacerbating the push for the interesting to leave and the boring to remain. since there's no major influx of new users and a slow, constant attrition of old ones, this goes unresolved and we're now at the point where i'm at my limit - but for being temporarilly bedridden, i wouldn't waste another moment here. whatever i used to see here, it is gone. if ever i provided novelty, i won't be doing it soon.
>>33007that would be a complete waste. if you have interesting thoughts it's better to keep them to yourself then to see them (a) ignored or (b) bombarded with inane replies from people who clearly made no effort to read or understand them, instead quickly snapping to a response after seeing a key word or two.
every moment i spend here i become more anti-communist. not because i've lost faith in the idea of communism, but because this site is a constant monument to both the inadequacy of so-called communists and, worse yet, a constant reminder that not all inadequate communists are well-meaning radlibs brain poisoned by twitter or boomers indoctrinated into a cult with red flag aesthetics: no, a lot of so-called communists are just cunts. worse: they are boring cunts, the worst kind of cunt. i could take the worthless arrogant posturing from a gaggle of inadequates if they at least provided novelty, but you won't find novelty here. you will find nothing that cannot be better found elsewhere. if you want to run on the fumes of 2017 forever mix archive.org with leftybooru - like the left itself this site is a walking corpse taunting you by being a constant reminder of the idea that things could've been better than this.