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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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Sometimes its fun, but then after waiting for new threads the new threads are just boring regurgitated shit from 2017
Everything else is just waiting for news to happen to comment on them and maybe make some memes OR redundant questions that don't deserve their own thread which can be answered by reading books on said topics

everything is kind of cyclical and has a pattern to it

Well that's the puzzle: how to break these cycles?
How do we cure news addiction? Should news at least be it's own board to declutter a space for meaningful discussions?
How do we streamline getting people with questions to the relevant books?

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post something interesting then

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start a 420chan on leftypol for drugs, ban all religious fags, ban all primitivists and tedposters and their sympathizers

I was just touched inappropriately by an elderly man.

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That sounds really boring.

Pray to Allah 🙏🕋



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>Sun outside
holy shit boring someone help what the fuck

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Forgot to draw ciggy

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The sun is a cunt
everything is fucking boring
leftypol is so fucking dead during europe time
fucking americans

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go outside go outside go outside go outside go outside
>redundant questions that don't deserve their own thread which can be answered by reading books on said topics
sum ppl don't hve time for books/lazy/dontcare and thats valid af, anons thatve already read can educate them, and they spread it on and on. they hve the right to ask, if u dont feel like educatin them u dont hve to bc chances are another anon will

the idea of finding and reading an entire book on (say) pensions ought to be boring, boring, boring compared to discussing it freely on an imageboard where people come at the issue with a variety of perspectives and argue their case while allowing you to ask questions or throw out practical counterexamples. ought to be. you're accidentally right that it'd be better because reading a nautical almanac from 1975 cover to cover would be more novel and educational than anything you'll find here. (maybe a sailor will have annotated it on a past trip! oh, what excitement!) that is this site's failure.

i don't blame the admins, here's my theory: the people who like novelty have fucked off, leaving behind the people who're content with constant re-runs of the same basic nonsense. when you offer them novelty, they get confused, exacerbating the push for the interesting to leave and the boring to remain. since there's no major influx of new users and a slow, constant attrition of old ones, this goes unresolved and we're now at the point where i'm at my limit - but for being temporarilly bedridden, i wouldn't waste another moment here. whatever i used to see here, it is gone. if ever i provided novelty, i won't be doing it soon.

that would be a complete waste. if you have interesting thoughts it's better to keep them to yourself then to see them (a) ignored or (b) bombarded with inane replies from people who clearly made no effort to read or understand them, instead quickly snapping to a response after seeing a key word or two.

every moment i spend here i become more anti-communist. not because i've lost faith in the idea of communism, but because this site is a constant monument to both the inadequacy of so-called communists and, worse yet, a constant reminder that not all inadequate communists are well-meaning radlibs brain poisoned by twitter or boomers indoctrinated into a cult with red flag aesthetics: no, a lot of so-called communists are just cunts. worse: they are boring cunts, the worst kind of cunt. i could take the worthless arrogant posturing from a gaggle of inadequates if they at least provided novelty, but you won't find novelty here. you will find nothing that cannot be better found elsewhere. if you want to run on the fumes of 2017 forever mix archive.org with leftybooru - like the left itself this site is a walking corpse taunting you by being a constant reminder of the idea that things could've been better than this.

>every moment i spend here i become more anti-communist
This is what happens when the board is overrun with bloodthirsty MLs who hate anarchists and ultras

And at some point it becomes more fun to larp as one of them than to express dissenting views, since most posters enjoy it so much they tend to neglect the "nonsectarian" aspect. They can't even tell bait half the time and just cheer it on.
There is no self-criticism and there will never be in their circles. There will only be eating eachother for whoever expresses less anti-revisionist takes or takes a stance against multipolarism. Seeing oneself as some sort of tactician in the choices between shit sides. Great men will remain as such - Lenin is forever pinned to remind you that he is more important than the rest. Stalin can only be questioned from a point of achievements and refuting accusations, never from a point of critique! Any dissenters are immidietly labeled fascist, liberal and undergo fed-jacketing. Be prepared to be outnumbered and shat on if you dare construct a well-written critique, the conversation will go nowhere, but you will either engage in it until you're no longer able to or automatically become "refuted" for refusing to further respond. It is cyclical in all instances. Don't like it? Go somewhere else is the answer (ironically what these individuals are told in real life when brining up communism i.e. "Go to Venezuela").

It is fun. It is extremely fun and sometimes educational. Though the illusion that posters have is that they can never be wrong through a certain school of thought. Ironically this mirrors lolbert circles in which they think that Austrian economics has long since "refuted" Marxism and fail to engage in any of it - simply relying on said written "refutations" beforehand instead of actually reading Marx and forming a critique themselves. They are afraid that they might be converted if they begin to read on it. This is also why Leninists have barely bothered with anarchist literature and instead recommend their own "refutations" in the example of The State and Revolution being parroted over and over again. The same immuno response to outsideness and difference is seen here. Try to engage with liberals as a proclaimed communist within their circles and watch as they pile up against you with one bad take after the other. You will see the exact same cynicism in here with anarchists and ultras among other views.

Does any of it matter though? I think that this in itself will result in more of what they fight against than anything else. Anarchists will simply move to other places after awhile ( I suspect people like the Sasuke poster "para-namefag" will eventually) and create their own spaces with similiar dynamics. It might be a good thing since I am strongly opposed to any kind of "left-unity" where contradictions go ignored in favor of temporary strategic alliances and backwards ideas receive a platform. It establishes a goal rather than just flinging shit at a wall and seeing what sticks. Its disguisting to see contradictions be embraced and paraded on for decades. I think that eventually different factions will form their own sites and spaces similar to leftypol unless the current userbase becomes changed by an influx of new ones. It might not be imageboards, it could be shit similar to the dumpster fire that is anarchistnews, but more will continue to.

I don't think any of this is a lost cause, it's just that it could really go a lot faster so that people wouldin't have to chew on the same shit for years.

>Be prepared to be outnumbered and shat on if you dare construct a well-written critique
In the best cases. Chances are your post will get deleted by mods and maybe even banned.

Slow and boring now, bumps are all boring effortless posting. This is what happens when no drug board. Less users, less posts, less interesting stuff. Ukraine thread right now? Posters redirecting anon to go to Reddit to follow the war updates.

Spent all night bored
why won't we just have a drug board already?


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