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Some rando burger mod banned me for posting Russian news about Hinkle.

That,s okay, but I can't even appeal the ban, because it gives me this error message.

1) we are not all burgers. hinkle for the rest of us is someone who appears on rt.
2)at least have the decency to allow us to appeal your idiotic bans, ffs

File: 1717772284700.png (133.69 KB, 725x441, 1.png)

as of now it is literally impossible to counter the ban

which is to say,
>if a faggot idiot mod thinks you are "sus"
>you are forever banned

thanks, leftypol

Just use a VPN or reset your IP or Tor if you don't mind being Glownonymous.

mods = gods

>forever banned

dude it was 3 days

In function, not in impressiveness


Found the issue: apparently the maximum length on an IPv6 address is 61 bytes and not 16, since it gets saved as text and not as binary and may include a char and the linux interface.
Will deploy the fix in the next 48 hours

Fixed in in another way

Unique IPs: 8

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